Books written by Bill Lund

  • Native Peoples

    Readers will learn the fascinating histories and lifestyles of the Native American nations of North America.

  • Kayaking

    narrow passages that often require complex maneuvering ; may require scouting from shore . Class IV : Long , difficult rapids with constricted passages that often require precise maneuvering in very turbulent waters ; scouting from ...

  • Kayaking

    Describes the history, equipment, and contemporary practice of kayaking.

  • Powhatan Indians

    This book provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Pomo Indians, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • The Cherokee Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Cherokee people, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • The Iroquois Indians

    Discusses the Iroquois as a modern group with a unique history and its own special practices and customs.

  • The Pomo Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Pomo Indians, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • The Ojibwa Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Ojibwa people, covering their daily life, customs, and relations with the government. Includes information on spearfishing.

  • Rock Climbing

    Describes the history, equipment, and contemporary practice of rock climbing.

  • The Sioux Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Sioux, or Dakota, Indians, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • The Apache Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Apache people, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • The Comanche Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Comanches, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • The Seminole Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Seminoles, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • The Manatees of Florida

    Introduces the world of manatees, their physical characteristics, behavior, and interaction with humans.

  • Triathlon

    Describes the history, equipment, personalities, and contemporary practice of the triathlon.

  • The Chumash Indians

    Discusses the Chumash Indians as a modern group with a unique history and its own special practices and customs.

  • Getting Ready for a Career as a Computer Technician

    Provides an overview of the work done by the technicians who install and maintain computer equipment and systems and briefly describes career opportunities in the field.

  • Getting Ready for a Career as a Computer Animator

    Describes how computer animation has developed, its uses in various fields, and some related careers.

  • The Wampanoag Indians

    Provides an overview of the past and present lives of the Wampanoag Indians, covering their daily life, customs, relations with the government and others, and more.

  • Weight Lifting

    Describes the history, equipment, and contemporary practice of weightlifting.