Books written by Rick Mofina

  • Free Fall

    A couple of hours later, Hank Bradley, an FBI agent, arrived in an SUV with two other agents to pick up Kate and Grace. Then they picked up Vanessa and drove to their building in Morningside Heights. Bradley, a gentle giant of a man, ...

  • Full Tilt

    Reeka turned to Morris, cuing him to step in. “Yes...” Morris cleared his throat. “The policy forbids Newslead staff from using their position for any form of personal gain.” “But I didn't gain anything.

  • The Panic Zone

    “Les, you didn't work with Gretchen as closely as Foster and I did. The stuff in this manifesto is precisely what she was leaning to before she left.” “Let me get this straight,” Lancer said. “Gretchen Sutsoff could be using Crucible's ...

  • Last Seen

    They determined you weren't fit to be Kyle's mother and placed him in a foster home, isn't that correct?” Alma nodded. “They were wrong,” she said. “It was an accident, a flash of anger.” “Then what happened?

  • No Way Back

    Engler lived in several foster homes . At age sixteen he told a teacher his foster father , an alcoholic butcher , was abusing him . No one checked into it . Nothing was done . One night , after sealing the doors and windows with wood ...

  • Every Fear

    She grew up a ward of social welfare agencies , raised in the homes of foster parents , where , at times , she was abused . At twenty - three , she was a desperately lonely gift - shop clerk who , oddly , still lived with her morally ...

  • Every Second

    After the tragedy, Kate and her little sister, Vanessa, had lived with relatives and then in foster homes. A couple of years later, Kate and Vanessa's foster parents had taken them on a vacation to Canada. They were in British Columbia, ...

  • Vengeance Road

    Bernice had never been sure about much in her short life, her friends told him. Some sent him photos. She stood stiff and shy in obvious embarrassment; a heavyset girl with low self-esteem who'd been abused by her foster father ...

  • Into the Dark

    In one small town, his foster father was a barely educated, self-pitying man whose job was to destroy life. He took him to his workplace. “You ain't ever seen nothing like this.” The old man worked in the slaughterhouse at the edge of ...

  • Blood of Others

    Vryke clumsily gathered the man's belongings , including his ticket to Baltimore , which Vryke quickly switched with Foster Dean's ticket , slipping it unnoticed into the stranger's ticket folder . The cowboy nodded , then yawned .

  • The Dying Hour

    Concerned by his silence , foster parents regarded him as “ the eerie one . " He was passed through a succession of families whose capacity for love diminished with each new address . When he turned nine , two older foster sisters used ...

  • Web van gevaar: Jack Gannon

    Algauw beseft hij dat hij zich in een web van gevaar begeeft, en wanneer de draden langzaam maar zeker een patroon vormen, weet hij dat er geen weg terug meer is.

  • In Desperation

    Eleven-year-old Tilly Martin is dragged from her suburban bedroom.

  • In Desperation

    We think that in attempting to set up their own rogue network in the U.S., Salazar and Johnson made the grave error of ripping off the Norte Cartel. “We believe that when Salazar and Johnson went to Juarez to formally put their network ...

  • The Lying House

    The man with salt-and-pepper hair was Lieutenant Deon Johnson. “Agent Morrow, Detectives,” Smith said. “As we were telling Ms. Pond here from the Public Defender's office, we're sorry to inform you that it appears that inmate Loften has ...

  • Web van gevaar

    Web van gevaar

  • De wraakengel

    Nadat een misdaadjournalist is ontslagen omdat hij wat voorbarig de naam van een gerespecteerde politieagent noemde als verdachte van de moord op een jonge vrouw, gaat hij op onderzoek uit.

  • Geheim doelwit

    Tijdens een bezoek aan New York wordt een vrouw samen met haar zoontje ontvoerd. Haar man wordt niet door de politie geloofd en gaat zelf op onderzoek uit.

  • Missing Daughter

    Days, weeks, months, then agonizing years go by without answers, the Lanes fearing that Maddie is gone forever…until a stunning twist shocks everyone, plunging the family deeper into a world of buried secrets whose revelations threaten ...

  • Whirlwind

    When a woman she gave her baby boy to for safekeeping during a tornado subsequently disappears, Jenna Cooper enlists the help of journalist and single mother Kate Page to find the infant, and soon Kate uncovers a plot more sinister than she ...