Books written by Jacqueline Martin

  • OCR Criminal Law for A2 Fourth Edition

    ... and • Robson (2006)where Dwas heavily intoxicated, but alsosuffering from an acute stress disorder when hekilled V. In these cases the Court of Appeal quashed the convictions for murder and substituted convictions for manslaughter.

  • AQA Law for AS Sixth Edition

    4.11.1 The ejusdem generis rule (of the same kind) This states that where there is a list of words which is followed by general words, then the general words are limited to the same kind of items as the specific words.

  • AQA Law for A2 Fifth Edition

    It simply meant either: • an intention to do the particular kind of harm that was in fact done; or • recklessness asto whether such harmshould occurornot(i.e.the accusedhas foreseen thatthe particular kind ofharm might be done,andyet ...

  • Unlocking The English Legal System

    The first case for our consideration is the House of Lords' decision in Smith (Morgan) [2000] 4 All ER 289. The defendant (D) had killed his friend after an argument. There was evidence that D suffered from serious clinical depression ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    Dytham (1979) QB 722 D, a police officer, was on duty near a nightclub at about 1 am. ... even where there was no pre-existing legal duty on D (A Ashworth, 'The Scope of Criminal student mentor tip “A good way to study causation and ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    481 Smith (Thomas) [1959] 2 QB 35 ... 53, 54,58, 60 Smith [1974] 1 All ER 632 ... 563, 564 Smith [1979] Crim LR 251 ... 37, 40, 41 Smith and Jones [1976] 3 All ER 54... 504,505, 506, 531,611 Smith and others [2011] EWCA Crim 66 .

  • Criminal Law

    ... 159 Siracusa (1989) 90Cr AppR 340 75 Smith[1959] 2 QB 35, Courts Martial Appeal Court 29 Smith [1961] AC290,HL Smith v Chief Superintendent of Woking Police Station (1983) 76 Cr App R 234, [1983] Crim LR323 178, 185, 187 Smith and ...

  • AQA A-level Law for Year 1/AS

    Wendy Smith's employers paid her less than her male predecessor for exactly the same job. As the two people were not employed at the same time by the employer there was no breach of English domestic law. However, Wendy Smith was able to ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law, Third Edition

    Manyof the activity centreshave climbing walls. The board of directors hasnever issued any directions about safety or thelevelof supervision for theuseof these climbing walls. At one ofthe centres there have been no maintenance checks ...

  • Unlocking Criminal Law

    lien A right to retain an article in one's possession Turner left his car at a garage for repairs. It was agreed that he would pay for the repairs when he collected the car after the repairs had been completed.

  • Unlocking Criminal Law, Third Edition

    lien A right to retain an article in one's possession Turner (No 2) [1971] 2 All ER 441 Turner left his car at a garage for repairs. It was agreed that he would pay for the repairs when he collected the car after the repairs had been ...

  • OCR A Level Law Book 2

    In 2013, IBM announced that Watson software system's first commercial application would be for helping to make management decisions in lung cancer treatment. It is being investigated to see how Watson may contribute to clinical decision ...

  • AQA A-level Law for Year 2

    However, it was stated in R v Watson (1989) that where a sober and reasonable person would be aware of the victim's frailty and the risk of physical harm to him or her, then the defendant will be liable.

  • Unlocking the English Legal System

    ... Salomon v Commissioners of Customs and Excise [1967] 2 QB 116 Sander v United Kingdom [2000] 31 EHRR 1003 Saunders (Executrix of Estate of Gallie) v Anglia Building Society [1970] 3 All ER 961 Scott v Avery [1843–1860] All E.R. Rep.

  • English Legal System Eighth Edition

    Again in the cases of Schorsch Meier GmbH v Henning (1975) and Miliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd (1976) the Court of Appeal refused to follow a decision of the House of Lords in Havana Railways (1961) which said that damages could ...

  • Cambridge International AS and A Level Law Second Edition

    Again, in the cases of Schorsch Meier GmbH v Henning (1975) and Miliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd (1976), the Court of Appeal refused to follow a decision of the House of Lords in Re United Railways of Havana and Regla Warehouses ...

  • Key Cases: The English Legal System

    The Court of Appeal in Schorsch Meier GmbH v Hennin (1975) (see 1.4) had refused to follow this decision of the House of Lords. The House of Lords held that the change in the stability of the pound was a good reason to depart from their ...

  • The English Legal System, 7th Edition eBook ePub

    The cases of Schorsch Meier and Miliangos illustratethe potential for injustice if there is noappeal to the SupremeCourt/House ofLords. What would havehappened ifthe Court of Appeal inSchorsch Meier had decided thatithad to follow the ...

  • AQA Law for AS Fifth Edition

    The cases of Schorsch Meier andMiliangos illustrate the potential for injustice if there is noappeal to theSupreme Court. What would have happened ifthe Court of Appeal inSchorsch Meier haddecided thatit hadto follow theHouseof Lords' ...

  • English Legal System

    Schorsch Meier GmbH v Hennin [1975] 1 All ER 152 Key Facts The court had to consider whether damages had to be awarded in sterling or whether they could be in another currency. There was a decision by the House of Lords in the Havana ...