Books written by Jody Sullivan Rake

  • Animal Weapons and Defenses

    Toxic venom, bone-snapping jaws, record-shattering speed. Animals have mind-blowing weapons and defenses. Learn about the amazing features and adaptations that help animals hunt prey and defend themselves in the wild world of nature.

  • Carcass Chewers of the Animal World

    "Discusses various organisms throughout the world that consume carcasses as a part of their diets"--

  • Orcas

    "Simple text and full-color photographs provide a brief introduction to orcas"--Provided by publisher.

  • Polar Bears: On the Hunt

    "Describes polar bears, their habitat, hunting habits, and relationship to people"--Provided by publisher.

  • Squids

    "Simple text and photographs present the lives of squids"--Provided by publisher.

  • Killer Whales Up Close

    Killer Whales and People Some actions by people cause whale numbers to drop. When people catch too many fish, seals have fewer fish to eat. That means there are fewer seals for killer whales to eat. Water pollution also harms killer ...

  • Sea Cucumbers

    -Explores the life of the sea cucumber and how it survives with no face, spine, or brain---

  • English Springer Spaniels

    Simple text and photographs introduce the English springer spaniel breed, its growth from puppy to adult, and pet care information"--Provided by publisher.

  • The Frogfish

    "Simple text and photos describe the unique homes, bodies, behaviors and adaptations of frogfish"--Provided by publisher.

  • Leatherback Sea Turtles

    Leatherback sea turtles face one of their lives' biggest challenges as soon as they're hatched.

  • Spines, Horns, and Armor: Animal Weapons and Defenses

    "Describes how animals use spines, horns, and armor as weapons and defenses"--Provided by publisher.

  • Hippos: In the Wild

    "Describes Hippopotamuses, their habitat, hunting habits, and relationship to people"--Provided by publisher.

  • Parrotfish

    Presents an introduction to parrotfish, in simple text with illustrations, including what they are, what they look like, and what they do. Includes glossary.

  • Blue Whales Up Close

    What's it like to be face-to-face with a killer whale?

  • Humpback Whales Up Close

    What's it like to be face-to-face with a killer whale?

  • Pugs/Pugs

    El texto es sencillo y las fotografías presentan una introducción a la raza pug, su crecimiento desde cachorro a adulto, y la información de cuidado de las mascotas - en Inglés y Español.

  • The Naked Mole-Rat

    "Simple text and photos describe the unique homes, bodies, behaviors and adaptations of naked mole-rats"--Provided by publisher.

  • Jack Russell Terriers

    "Simple text and photographs introduce the Jack Russell terrier breed, its growth from puppy to adult, and pet care information"--Provided by publisher.

  • Poop and Puke Eaters of the Animal World

    ... Animal Dinners.2014) New York: PowerKids Press, 2014. Gorillas (Living in the Wild: Primates), Lori McManus (Raintree, 2012) Cusick, Dawn. Get the Scoop on Animal Puke: From Zombie Ants to Vampire LifeBats: Processes 251 Cool (Essential ...

  • Mudskippers and Other Extreme Fish Adaptations

    "Explores various extreme fish adaptations throughout the world, including wrasses, anglerfish, and grunions"--