Books written by Clare Wood

  • The Psychology of Education

    Despite the uncertainty of their title, the number of these 'teaching assistants' increased by 99 per cent between 1997 and 2003 (Blatchford et al., 2007) and now represents more than 25 per cent of staff employed in schools (Bedford et ...

  • The Psychology of Education

    Hayden, C. (2008) Staying Safe and Keeping Out of Trouble: a Survey of Young People's Perceptions and Experiences. ... Higgins, E., Lee, J., Kwon, J. and Trope, Y. (1995) When combining intrinsic motivations undermines interest: a test ...

  • Developmental Psychology in Action

    Bauman, M. 8: Kemper, T. (1994) 'Neuroanatomic Observations of the Brain in Autism', in M. Bauman 8: T. Kemper (eds) The Neurobiology of Autism, pp. 119-45. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins. Bolton, P., Macdonald, H., Pickles, A., Rios, P., ...

  • Text Messaging and Literacy - The Evidence

    In C. Wood & V.Connelly (Eds.), Contemporary perspectives on reading and spelling (pp. 7–23). Oxford: Routledge. Woronoff,P. (2007). Cellphone texting canendanger spelling.Retrieved 10 January 2013 from: htt​p:/​/ww​w.a​rti​cle​sba​se.

  • International Handbook of Psychology in Education

    This book focuses on typically developing school-age children, although issues relating to specific learning difficulties are also addressed.

  • Contemporary Perspectives on Reading and Spelling

    'Readingand spelling inDutch first and second graders: Do they useanorthographic strategy?' In C.K. Leong & R.M. Joshi (eds), Crosslanguage studies of learning to read and spell (pp. 249– 269).Dordrecht: Kluwer. Compton, D.L.&Carlisle ...