Books written by Lee Monaghan

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    '4O '00 C C L (D .|_: .|_: (U Q ... childhood neglect and abuse in deprived family settings have been associated with a range of poor health outcomes, both physical (Leserman et al., 1996) and mental (Bifulco and Moran, 1998).

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Clarke, A.E., Mamo, L., Fishman, J.R., Shim, J.K. and Fosket, J.R. (2003) 'Biomedicalization: techno- scientific transformations of health, illness, and US biomedicine', American Sociological Review, 68: 161–94.

  • Bodybuilding, Drugs and Risk

    ... and a failure to recognise that identity may be tied to an embodied habitus (Shilling and Mellor 19961. lndeed, the body as a practical accomplishment, constituted through ongoing choices, may be made unreflexively through habit.

  • Key Concepts in Medical Sociology

    Drawing on international literature and examples, this new edition of Key Concepts in Medical Sociology: · Systematically explains the concepts that have preoccupied medical sociology from its inception, and which have shaped the field as ...

  • Obesity Discourse and Fat Politics: Research, Critique and Interventions

    This research on obesity and the media coalesces around three central themes, framing and constructing obesity as a social problem, the media and obesity policy, and media and the science of obesity. Although many studies speak to more ...