Books written by Susan Tyler Hitchcock

  • Coming About: A Family Passage at Sea

    The clouds ' underbellies loomed ominously black , but they seemed remote , traveling in another direction . “ I would feel better if we were over in Black Sound . ” He pointed toward a protected lagoon . “ What's the advantage ?

  • The University of Virginia: A Pictorial History

    "We al the book. store enjoy being a part of the university's academic mission and enriching our students' lives," says Jonathan Kates, bookstore director. Rediscovering the Past In 1993, excavating to expand a parking lot near Cabell ...

  • Lumières: De l'aube à la nuit

    Près de 200 des plus beaux clichés du National Geographic célèbrent ici avec grâce et intensité la course du soleil, de l'aube à la nuit. Naturelle ou artificielle, la lumière...

  • Frankenstein: A Cultural History

    Expanding the house of Frankenstein, Universal writers dreamed up two new offspring: Ludwig, another son, a brain surgeon, and Elsa, Ludwig 's daughter, a lovely young woman from whom her family's dark past has been kept secret.

  • Visions of Earth: Beauty, Majesty, Wonder

    The book delights our senses, ignites our emotions, and renews our optimism, showcasing the many ways that our world is a marvel to behold and a privilege to call home.

  • Sixty Candles: Reflections on the Writing Life

    While I was still mired in this writing bog, I attended a presentation by Iris Chang, who wrote The Rape ofNanking, a horrific Asian Holocaust story. Chang was a slender woman with long, lustrous black hair. She said that while writing ...

  • Mad Mary Lamb: Lunacy and Murder in Literary London

    London : Roger Ingram , 1948 . Narratives of the Mission of George Bogle to Tibet and of the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa . Edited by Sir Clements R. Markham . New Delhi : Manjusri Publishing House , 1971 . Paine , Thomas .

  • Karen Horney

    Melanie Klein was born in Vienna in 1882 and became a member of the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute in its early days, along with Karen Horney. Klein specialized in working with children and discovered that observing children as they ...

  • Extraordinary Women

    Extraordinary Women

  • Women Explorers Set

    Women Explorers chronicles the lives of six intrepid women whose hunger for adventure and knowledge compelled them on paths of discovery around the world.

  • Gather Ye Wild Things: A Forager's Year

    Those of us who live from Newfoundland to Saskatchewan , south and west to Oklahoma , can go hunting for jewelweed . Walking up the mountain in Virginia , I pass by large stands of jewelweed wherever stream meets path .

  • Visions of Earth: Beauty, Majesty, Wonder

    The book delights our senses, ignites our emotions, and renews our optimism, showcasing the many ways that our world is a marvel to behold and a privilege to call home.

  • Geography of Religion: Where God Lives, where Pilgrims Walk

    From the introduction by the renowned Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter the Rev. Mpho Tutu to the Epilogue by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, this magnificent volume explores the...

  • Rita Levi-Montalcini

    Examines the life of Rita Levi-Montalcini, a woman scientist who won the Nobel Prize or her research in neurology.

  • Roe V. Wade: Protecting a Woman's Right to Choose

    When a young Dallas woman - known publicly as Jane Roe - was denied the right to terminate her pregnancy, she found a lawyer who would take her case all the way to the Supreme Court.

  • Karen Horney: Pioneer of Feminine Psychology

    Chronicles the life of the German-born American psychoanalyst whose theories went beyond Freudian orthodoxy and focused on women's issues.

  • Listen, My Children: Poems for Second Graders

    Listen, My Children: Poems for Second Graders