Books written by William J. Reid

  • Science and Social Work: A Critical Appraisal

    ... 194, 198 Ginsberg, Mitchell I., 120 Glaser, B. G., 132 Glaser, E., 177 Glaser, E. M., 193 Goldstein, E. G., 155 Goode, W., 9 Goodman, H., 131 Gordon, William, 11, 207 Gorey, K. M., 85, 153, 156, 161 Gottman, J. M., 99 Graebner, W., ...

  • Qualitative Research in Social Work

    Anne E. Fortune, William J. Reid, Robert L. Miller, Jr. Assessing Young Children's Perceptions of ... Bretherton, I., D. Oppenheim, H. Buchsbaum, R. Emde, and the MacArthur Narrative Group. (1990). “The MacArthur story-stem battery.

  • Generalist Practice: A Task-Centered Approach

    Zastrow, C. 1982. Introduction to Social Welfare Institutions. Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey. Zuk, G. H. 1978. “Values and Family Therapy.” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice 15:48–55. Zwick, R., and C. C. Attkisson. 1984.

  • Educational Supervision in Social Work: A Task-Centered Model for Field Instruction and Staff Development

    Family therapy expanded upon the notion of intentionally employing the therapist's personhood for clinical purposes, and refers to this activity as “use of self” (Minuchin and Fishman 1981). The “self” consists of all facets of the ...

  • The Task Planner: An Intervention Resource for Human Service Professionals

    Morgan, B. 1987. Nutrition Prescription: Strategies for ... Mueller, C. W., R. Bidwell, S. Okamoto, and E. Mann. 1998. Preventing HIV disease in ... Murphy, B., H. Schofield, J. Nankervis, S. Bloch, H. Herrman, and B. Singh. 1997.

  • Generalist Practice: A Task-Centered Approach

    The book seeks to establish a "task-centered" methodology -- a structured, short-term, problem-solving approach -- applicable across systems at five levels of practice: the individual, the family, the group, organizations, and communities.

  • Qualitative Research in Social Work

    In this volume, progressive experts survey recent trends in qualitative study, which relies on small sample groups and interview data to better represent the context and complexity of social work practice.

  • Qualitative Research in Social Work

    In this volume, progressive experts survey recent trends in qualitative study, which relies on small sample groups and interview data to better represent the context and complexity of social work practice.