Books written by Lynn Keegan

  • Healing Waters: The Miraculous Health Benefits of Earth's Most Essential Resource

    Cantor , K.P .; Lynch , C.F .; Hildesheim , M.E .; Dosemeci , M .; Lubin , J .; Alavanja , M .; Craun , G. “ Drinking water source and chlorination byproducts : risk of bladder cancer . ... Constantine , Alex . " Sweet Poison .

  • Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice

    S. Boots and C. Hogan , Creative Movement and Health , Topics in Clinical Nursing 3 , no . 2 ( 1981 ) : 21-31 . 50. P.A. Gillett et al . , The Nurse as Exercise Leader , Geriatric Nursing 14 , no . 3 ( 1993 ) : 133–137 . 51.

  • Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice

    (New York: Pearson, 2006), 251–271. B. Rabin, “Stress: A System of the Whole,” in Psychoneuroimmunology, ed. R. Ader, 713–715. M. H. Antoni, N. Schneiderman, and F. Penedo, “Behavioral Interventions: Immunologic Mediators and Disease ...

  • Holistic Nursing

    F. Capra, The Web ofLife (New York, NY: Double— day, 1996): 1574158. ... H. Antoni, N. Schneiderman, and F. Penedo, “Behavioral Interventions: Immunologic Media— tors and Disease Outcomes,” in ... (New York, NY: Pearson, 2006): 2514271.

  • Holistic Nursing

    This newly developed Seal of Distinction indicates that the book is aligned with AHNA's mission, vision, and Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, Second Edition; is of interest to holistic nurses and of significant value to ...

  • Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice

    This newly developed Seal of Distinction indicates that the book is aligned with AHNA's mission, vision, and Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, Second Edition; is of interest to holistic nurses and of significant value to ...

  • Pocket Guide for Holistic Nursing

    Intended for students, clinicans, educators, and researchers looking to expand their knowledge of holism, healing, and spirituality.

  • Intravenous Infusion Therapy for Nurses: Principles & Practice

    This comprehensive guide to venipuncture and intravenous therapy is a must have for any health care professional responsible for IV therapy. This book covers all aspects of intravenous infusion therapy...

  • Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice

    S. Brown, M. J. Martinez, and L. M. Parsons, “Music and Language Side by Side in the Brain: A Pet Study of the Generation ... B. J. Crowe, Music and Soulmaking: Toward a New Theory of Music (Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, 2004), 119.

  • The Last Journey: A Road Map for Ending-of-Days

    It is the "how to" book for the journey we will all make, sooner or later. The information in this book may make death easier for many, as it removes the mystery of what happens.

  • End of Life: Nursing Solutions for Death with Dignity

    This book presents a practical solution on multiple levels that will benefit all involved-patient, family, nurses, administrators, policy makers, and insurance companies.

  • Navigate Efolio: Holistic Nursing

    Navigate eFolio: Holistic Nursing enhances the newest edition of Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice by offering the book as an interactive eBook and supplementing the content with more than 600 online learning activities and ...

  • Healing with Complementary & Alternative Therapies

    This comprehensive resource provides a compendium of information on healing and how healing relates to complementary and alternative medicine.