Books written by Julian Scutts

  • "And Is There Honey Still for Tea?" Questing Unity

    Those who delve into the symbolism of trees might note that Simon's grim assertion in the matter of the eternal destiny of Herrmann Mergel, Frederick's father, was made in the presence of a decayed oak-tree.

  • Just Wandering

    The affinity between dreaming and wandering most clearly manifested in a play which is defined as a dream by its very title, a play in which the verb to wander acquires an entirely felicitous significance. (5) Consider now the positive ...

  • "Wandering" In Literature, a Mere Word?

    The affinity between dreaming and wandering is most clearly manifested in a play which is defined as a “dream” by its very title, a play in which the verb to wander acquires an entirely felicitous significance.

  • A Defence of Wandering and Poetry

    The affinity between dreaming and wandering most clearly manifested in a play which is defined as a dream by its very title, a play in which the verb to wander acquires an entirely felicitous significance. (5) Consider now the positive ...

  • A Defence of Wandering

    Be that as it may, in the process of considering the occurrence of "wandered" in the light of its position, meaning and structural function, I now hope to complement and amplify Pottle's arguments and insights respecting "I wandered ...

  • A Defence of Wandering and Why I am not a Follower of the Objectivist School of Criticism

    The affinity between dreaming and wandering most clearly manifested in a play which is defined as a dream by its very title, a play in which the verb to wander acquires an entirely felicitous significance. (5) Consider now the positive ...

  • Strange Fits of Passion I Too Have Known

    Only two kings reached an 8 after their names; Henry VIII and Edward VIII. Funny, the first divorced his first wife and detached the Church of England from the Papacy. The second was forced to abdicate by the same church for his ...

  • Poems on Poetry, Lead On

    The sentinels stand guard: A pot of jam, a jar of marmalade are emplaced on the strategic salient of the dining-room table. In battle-dress, knives, forks and spoons, the infantry, have been fully mobilized. Now battle!

  • What Makes Life Worth Living, Poetry, Children and Animals

    In battle-dress, knives, forks and spoons, the infantry, have been fully mobilized. Now battle! The moment's silence is conflict's omen. Certain of the issue, she advances, knowing all order is as brief as day, while primal Chaos ruled ...

  • The Milkmaid and the Mower, an Anthology

    Thwart Love, let's try bury Love and seal its tomb, but it must surely rise again and then pursue us day by day, and haunt us night by night. Forget Love, try, but know it will invade our innermost recess and in the Spirit's catacombs ...

  • My Paperback Book

    2: "Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust" by Wilhelm Müller Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust, das Wandern. Das muß ein schlechter Müller sein, dem niemals fiel das Wandern ein, das Wandern. Vom Wasser habens wir's gelernt, vom Wasser: Das ...

  • The Emergence of the Poetic "Wanderer" In the Age of Goethe

    Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust, das Wandern. Das muß ein schlechter Müller sein, dem niemals fiel das Wandern ein, das Wandern. Vom Wasser habens wir's gelernt, vom Wasser: Das hat nicht Rast bei Tag und Nacht, ist stets auf ...

  • The Word In Poetry and Its Contexts

    2: "Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust" by Wilhelm Müller Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust, das Wandern. Das muß ein schlechter Müller sein, dem niemals fiel das Wandern ein, das Wandern. Vom Wasser habens wir's gelernt, vom Wasser: Das ...

  • A Holistic and Logocentric Study Of Wandering As a Phenomenon In German and English Literature With Close Reference to the...

    2: "Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust" by Wilhelm Müller Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust, das Wandern. Das muß ein schlechter Müller sein, dem niemals fiel das Wandern ein, das Wandern. Vom Wasser habens wir's gelernt, vom Wasser: Das ...

  • Meaningful Coincidences In History, Literature and Life

    What role do coincidences play in human destiny, whether with regard to historical events or with strange connections between literature and real occurrences?

  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin At the Crossroads Of History, Religion and Literature

    The author of this book believes that the principle of reciprocity must be taken into account and this reflects the duality of the mind with its conscious and subconscious aspects.