Books written by Kevin Fitzpatrick

  • Unhealthy Places: The Ecology of Risk in the Urban Landscape

    Edelstein, Michael R. (1988). Contaminated Communities: The Social and ... Emerson, Richard.1972. “ExchangeTheory.” Pp.38–87in Sociological Theories ... Faris, Robert E.L. and H. Warren Dunham. (1939). Mental Disorders in UrbanAreas.

  • Unhealthy Cities: Poverty, Race, and Place in America

    Bellah, Robert N., Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven Tipton. 1991. The Good Society. New York: Vintage Books. Benbow, N. ed. 2007. Big Cities Health Inventory: The Health of Urban America.

  • Unhealthy Places: The Ecology of Risk in the Urban Landscape

    Bell, Wendell and M.T.Force. 1962. “Urban Neighborhood Types and Participation in Formal Associations.” American Sociological Review 21:25–34. Bellah, Robert N., Richard Madsen, William M.Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven Tipton. 1991.

  • Unhealthy Cities: Poverty, Race, and Place in America

    Greer, Scott. 1956. “Urbanism Reconsidered: A Comparative Study of Local Areas in a Metropolis.” American Sociological Review 21:19–25. ——. 1960. “The Social Structure and Political Process of Suburbia.” American Sociological Review ...

  • Greatest hits 1975-2000

    8.95 Kevin Fitzpatrick GREATEST HITS 1975-2000 Pudding House Publications Greatest Hits Series # 34 ISBN : 1-930755-42-2 GREATEST HITS The GOLD Invitational Music lovers have purchased Greatest Hits from the music industry for decades ...

  • Echoes of Reality: The Hidden War

    Echoes of Reality is filled with technology that mimics magic, ancient sword fights and modern clandestine assault teams, secretive orders and an insidious evil that takes shape through history.

  • Rush Hour

    Rude life -- Pedaling back -- Comforting arms insurance company.