Books written by Mary Cathcart Borer

  • The British Hotel Through the Ages

    However , they found much of interest during that trip and at the village of Newcastle Emlyn in Carmarthenshire they came upon a decent inn ' where , in the kitchen , a dog was being used as a turnspit . Rowlandson's drawing of ' The ...

  • The British Hotel Through the Ages

    In central London , however , land values are rising so steeply that the problem of building less expensive hotels ... ensure that their passengers who take advantage of cheap group rates will have somewhere to sleep when they arrive .

  • The British Hotel Through the Ages

    In Caxton Street was the St. Ermin's Hotel, which is now converted into flats, and at the corner of Victoria Street and ... hotels in Bloomsbury during the early years of the century, including the West Central in Southampton Row, ...

  • The British Hotel Through the Ages

    The British Hotel Through the Ages

  • People of Georgian England

    People of Georgian England