Books written by Karen Seashore Louis

  • Improving the Urban High School: What Works and why

    This research-based book provides clear information about what urban high schools in the US are now doing to improve in light of recent school reform reports.

  • Positive School Leadership: Building Capacity and Strengthening Relationships

    ... 122 Haaland, S., 123 Hackett, R., 45, 48–49, 52–53, 80–81 Hackett, R. D., 33–34 Hackman, J. R., 102, 109–110, 113, 131 Hagtvet, K., 85 Hall, D., 35 Hall, D. T., 96 Hall, N., 43 Hall-Merenda, K. E., 13 Hallett, T., 72, 89 Hallinger, ...

  • Organizing for School Change

    ... and associates (1996), There is also increasing evidence that partnerships with parents that value joint responsibility for the individual student can be verv effective in improving school outcomes (Christensen 1992; Keith 1993).

  • Organizing for School Change

    In 1988, after six years of "white flight," a new superintendent began a major effort to revitalize the system using a combination of open-enrolment magnet programs, school-based management, and selective relief from prescriptive state ...

  • Building Strong School Cultures: A Guide to Leading Change

    When we interviewed teachers at both Harris and McKinley, Cook and Wilson were described by teachers in similar ways. Of Cook, a third-grade teacher said: “He's great at what he does for us. I stay to the pacing guide because of him, ...

  • Positive School Leadership: Building Capacity and Strengthening Relationships

    Collective wisdom and consistency in practice are valued in most human service agencies and other settings where high reliability in services and outcomes is prized (Stringfield, Reynolds, & Schaffer, 2008). A second reason is that the ...

  • Caring School Leadership

    San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Schein, E. H. (2011). Helping: How to offer, give, and receive help. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Schein, E. H. (2013). Humble inquiry: The gentle art of asking instead of telling.

  • Stability and Change: Innovation in an Educational Context

    Berman, P., & McLaughlin, M. Federal programs supporting educational change. Vol. 1. A model of educational change. Santa Monica, Calif.; Rand Corporation, 1974. Berman, P., & McLaughlin, M. Federal programs supporting educational ...

  • Aligning Student Support With Achievement Goals: The Secondary Principal's Guide

    We believe that one of the most useful is force - field analysis , a technique that was first proposed by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s , which has long been a staple of change agents in the business sector . ' Another is the SWOT ( Strengths ...

  • Professionalism and Community: Perspectives on Reforming Urban Schools

    Using case studies, the contributors to this book examine the reasons for this inconsistency, focusing on the structural, social and human relations conditions of schooling.

  • Understanding and Improving Urban Secondary Schools: New Perspectives

    Understanding and Improving Urban Secondary Schools: New Perspectives

  • Aligning Student Support With Achievement Goals: The Secondary Principal's Guide

    The Secondary Principal's Guide Karen Seashore Louis, Molly F. Gordon. DiPaola, M., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2003). ... Dupper, D. R., & Evans, S. (1996). From band-aids and putting out fires to prevention: School social work practice ...

  • Organizing for School Change

    New York: Rand McNally. Wahlstrom, K. and Louis, K.S. (1993) "Adoption revisited: Decision making and school district politics." In S. Bachrach and R. Ogawa (eds), Advances in Research and Theory of School Management and Educational ...

  • Caring School Leadership

    Bullying is a “physical, verbal, or psychological attack or intimidation that is intended to cause fear, distress, or harm to the victim” (Ttofi & Farrington, 2011, p. 28) or to hurt and shame peers. It involves an imbalance of ...

  • Professional Learning Communities: Divergence, Depth and Dilemmas

    Principal Deb Hoffman recognized that traditional service delivery models often served to perpetuate the very obstacles to learning they were originally designed to overcome. Her development of an Integrated Service Delivery model ...

  • Stories of Caring School Leadership

    ... Associate Professor, MAT program Central Connecticut State University New Britain, CT Christian Zimmerman, Dean of Students South Fort Myers High School Fort Myers, FL About the Authors Mark A. Smylie is professor of education.

  • Stories of Caring School Leadership

    ... Principal Essex High School Tappahannock, VA Catherine Sosnowski, Associate Professor, MAT program Central Connecticut State University New Britain, CT Christian Zimmerman, Dean of Students South Fort Myers High School Fort Myers, ...

  • Building Strong School Cultures: A Guide to Leading Change

    Cheryl Lowe's story is heartening; she paid attention to the meaning of the initial interview, and didn't forget what people were really trying to tell her once she got the job. She spent a lot of time looking at artifacts, and thinking ...

  • Building Strong School Cultures: A Guide to Leading Change

    Part of the Leadership for Learning series, this volume presents a leadership approach that integrates teachers, parents, and community members into a coherent team.

  • Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning: Leadership

    Part of a groundbreaking 7-book series, co-developed by Learning Forward and Corwin, this book closes the "knowing-doing" gap by guiding educational leaders through the process for implementing the Learning Forward Standard for Professional ...