Books written by Jonathan Cole

  • Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions

    The Learning Companion to Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions can help all readers gain the most from this book.

  • Christian Political Theology in an Age of Discontent: Mediating Scripture, Doctrine, and Political Reality

    Michael hoelzl and graham Ward assure us in their introduction to the english translation of Political Theology mark ii that this one is “much more explicitly theological” than the first one, which they concede contained “a very limited ...

  • Pride and a Daily Marathon

    After two weeks he was moved from the acute medical ward into a hostel for long - stay patients , sharing with people with badly broken legs , hand injuries or strokes . During the day they had a full routine of physiotherapy - daily ...

  • About Face

    After the first period of resuscitation he was moved to a surgical ward for the early skin grafts and then more measured reconstructive surgery . After months of this he was discharged and then , at last , took up his course at Oxford ...

  • Pride and a Daily Marathon

    This book is by his physician, Jonathan Cole. It tells the story, including a clear clinical description of a rare condition, of how Waterman reclaimed a life of full mobility against all expectations, by mental effort and sheer courage.

  • Losing Touch: A man without his body

    with white noise to stop me using sound of my hand along table top. Most of the tests had already been done by Ginette. So I am thinking; did she use temperature, sound, timing like that? Why have they not stripped them out?

  • About Face

    What is special about the face, and what happens when neurological conditions make expression or comprehension of the face unavailable? The heart of the this book lies in the experiences of people with facial losses of various kinds.

  • Losing Touch: A man without his body

    In an Afterword those from science, the arts and philosophy give an appreciation of his contribution. The book is the result of nearly 30 years close collaboration between author and subject.

  • Still Lives: Narratives of Spinal Cord Injury

    He describes his method in the first chapter: "I have gone to people, not with a white coat or a stethoscope...[but] to listen to their lives as they express them," and it is the candid and powerful narratives of twelve people with spinal ...

  • The Reign of God: A Critical Engagement with Oliver O’Donovan’s Theology of Political Authority

    The Ramsey Factor Jonathan Chaplin was the first to observe that the “essence of political authority thesis” is “simply a reformulation” of the definition of political authority O'Donovan provided ten years prior in Resurrection (the ...

  • Theology on a Defiant Earth: Seeking Hope in the Anthropocene

    ... there are two main legal traditions in the Torah, each of which concludes with its own list of blessings and curses. ... “I will place my dwelling in your midst,” but when this formula is reiterated in the blessing Lev 26:11–12, ...

  • The Reign of God: A Critical Engagement with Oliver O’Donovan’s Theology of Political Authority

    The book goes on to demonstrate a way to refine O'Donovan's theology of political authority by incorporating insights from his earlier work in moral theology.

  • The Land Beyond the Rainbow

    The Land Beyond the Rainbow is a short story to help children to understand the relation of light and color.