Books written by Carl Bridge

  • Project Finance for Construction

    CJIC (2013) Working Rule Agreement for the Construction Industry. Construction Joint Industry Council. Available at: Fitzpatrick, T. (2016) Build UK to track payment.

  • Project Finance for Construction

    The lowest price of £1m is included as part of the main contractor's bid to the employer. ... Bennett, J. and Jayes, S. (1998) The Seven Pillars of Partnering: A Guide to Second Generation Partnering Reading Construction Forum.

  • William Hughes: Australia

    The First World War marked the emergence of the Dominions on the world stage as independent nations, none more so than Australia.

  • The British World: Diaspora, Culture and Identity

    L.J.Burpee, Sandford Fleming: Empire Builder (Oxford, 1915), 277; Green, Chief Engineer, 145; Fleming to J.Chamberlain, 28 Oct. 1898, S.Fleming papers, 9/59, NAC; Fleming to J.I.Tarte, 1 July 1899, printed in S.Fleming, Three Letters on ...

  • The High Commissioners: Australia's Representatives in the United Kingdom, 1910-2010

    The book traces the history of the office and in doing so illuminates the larger story of Australian-United Kingdom relations in the twentieth century, the evolution of Australia from British colony to sovereign state and the gradual ...

  • Revolution: A History of the Idea

    ... twin ideals of equality and liberty, and Tocqueville described that period as a 'rapturous' time of 'bright enthusiasm, heroic courage, lofty ideals ... a historic date of glorious memory' which later generations would always admire and ...

  • The British World: Diaspora, Culture and Identity

    This collection of essays is based upon the assumption that the British Empire was held together not merely by ties of trade and defence, but by a shared sense of British identity that linked British communities around the globe.

  • Documents on Australian Foreign Policy: Australia and the United Kingdom 1960-1975

    "This volume of documents on Australian Foreign Policy draws on unpublished records from Australian and United Kingdom archives to document Australia's relations with the United Kingdom from 1960 to 1975.

  • Australia goes to Washington: 75 years of Australian representation in the United States, 1940–2015

    ... caretaker period, Shaw warned that the Ford Administration 'will be hyper-sensitive about commenting on anything which might be interpreted as interfering in the domestic process in Australia ... Australian–American relationship'.18 The ...