Books written by Nancy R. Lee

  • Up and Out of Poverty: The Social Marketing Solution

    In this book, legendary marketing expert Philip Kotler and social marketing innovator Nancy Lee consider poverty from a radically different and powerfully new viewpoint: that of the marketer.

  • Social Marketing to Protect the Environment: What Works

    Abrams, D., Wetherell, M., Cochrane, S., Hogg, M.A., & Turner, J. C. (1990). Knowing what to think by knowing who you are: Self-categorization and the nature of norm formation, conformity and group polarization.

  • Social Marketing to Protect the Environment: What Works

    The text begins with a definition of the Social Marketing Model and includes a discussion of various tools that can be used to develop social marketing strategies.

  • Social Marketing in India

    McKenzie-Mohr and Smith report this may work because “when individuals agree to a small request, it often alters the way they perceive themselves.”40 It also makes them even more likely to agree to a subsequent, more demanding activity, ...

  • Policymaking for Citizen Behavior Change: A Social Marketing Approach

    5 D. McKenzie-Mohr, N. Lee, W. Schultz,. 1 D. McKenzie-Mohr, Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to CommunityBased Social Marketing, 3rd ed. (Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers), 3. 2 B. McKenzie and M. Rapino, ...

  • Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good

    D. McKenzie-Mohr and W. Smith, Fostering Sustainable Behavior: An Introduction to CommunityBased Social Marketing, 2nd ed. (Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society, 1999), 101. K. Roman and J. M. Maas, How to Advertise, 2nd ed.

  • Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good

    ... because of its powers that require “no special training” Fogg's coeditor of Texting 4 Health,2 Richard Adler, believes further that mobile phones have several characteristics that make them an attractive platform for delivering ...

  • Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good

    V. Williams (communications consultant, New View Media), “Break the Silence: Social Norms Marketing Campaign for the Prevention of Violence Against Women in Cote d'Ivoire” (December 2012), 7. 5. Virginia Williams, communications ...

  • Good Works!: Marketing and Corporate Initiatives that Build a Better World...and the Bottom Line

    It is for capitalists with the hearts and smarts to generate positive social impacts and bottom-line business results. With Good Works!, you'll find that you can simultaneously elevate your cause and your profits—the ultimate win-win.

  • La Práctica Del Liderazgo Gerencial

    Si se asignan las decisiones sobre estos incrementos a gerentes más altos o a comités, se socava gravemente la autoridad de los gerentes y su capacidad para ejercer un efectivo liderazgo gerencial. Todos los gerentes deben poder decidir ...

  • Social Marketing in India

    This book, an adaptation of Nancy R. Lee and Philip Kotler’s highly successful book Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good, 4th Edition, is structured around the ten-step marketing planning process that trains and encourages ...

  • Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good

    Successful social marketing holds the power to change the world. For almost two decades, Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good has been the definitive guide for designing and implementing memorable social marketing campaigns.

  • Success in Social Marketing: 100 Case Studies From Around the Globe

    This book is recommended reading for students enrolled in public administration, public health, environmental studies, as well as policymakers interested in ways social marketing may help influence their constituent behaviors for individual ...

  • Social Marketing: Improving the Quality of Life

    This book turns social marketing into a step-by-step process so that anyone can plan and execute an effective social marketing campaign.

  • The Practice of Managerial Leadership: Second Edition

    But grasping complexity need not be an overwhelming task. In this book Nancy Lee, herself an organizational consultant long immersed in Jaques conceptualization efforts, has made his thinking much easier to grasp.

  • Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance

    Simply put, this book empowers you to build the “high-tech, high-touch” agency of the future–and deliver more value for every penny you spend.

  • Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good

    Successful social marketing holds the power to change the world. For almost two decades, Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good has been the definitive guide for designing and implementing memorable social marketing campaigns.

  • Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Good

    ... Disadvantages Less audience reach, high cost per exposure Audience resistance, high cost Source: Adapted from Philip Kotler and Gary M. Armstrong, Principles of Marketing (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001), 553. Reprinted ...

  • Social Marketing to Protect the Environment: What Works

    This book details how to use community-based social marketing to motivate environmental protection behaviors as diverse as water and energy efficiency, alternative transportation, and watershed protection.

  • The Practice of Managerial Leadership

    The book contains a glossary defining important words and concepts used in managerial work. This book is written for managers in all types of managerial hierarchies including commercial, not-for-profit and governmental.