Books written by Jeffrey Unerman

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Green Reporting, Chapman Hall, pp. 215–41. Georgakopoulos, G. and Thomson, I. (2008) 'Social reporting, engagements, controversies and conflict in Scottish salmon farming', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, ...

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Several key publications mark the beginning of the movement, such as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1962), Paul Ehrlich's The Population Bomb (1968), E. F. Schumacher's Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered ...

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Gray, R., Dey, C., Owen, D.,Evans, R. andZadek, S. (1997) Struggling with the praxisof social accounting: Stakeholders, accountability, audits andprocedures. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 10(3): 325–64.

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Substantively revised and re-written third edition of this authoritative textbook incorporates both up-to-date practical developments and the latest scholarly knowledge of this fast-moving area.

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Popular features from the first edition are retained, whilst recent developments in theory and practice are accounted for.

  • Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights

    The book sets out a number of tools and approaches that have been developed and applied by leading organizations to: - embed sustainability into decision-making, extending beyond an organization's boundaries to take into account suppliers, ...

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    His areas of research include: the social and environmental consequences of accounting, sustainable develop- ment and accounting/accountability, and the role of vested interests to sub- vert accountability.

  • Financial Accounting Theory

    Clearly writtenand user friendly, this new edition provides comprehensive coverage of internationally developed accountingtheories from a European perspective.

  • Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights

    The book sets out a number of tools and approaches that have been developed and applied by leading organizations to: - embed sustainability into decision-making, extending beyond an organization's boundaries to take into account suppliers, ...

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Explains how the "techniques of sustainability accounting and accountability have the potential to be powerful tools in the management, planning, control and accountability of organizations for their social and environmental impacts." - ...

  • Sustainability Accounting and Accountability

    Contributed to by an array of internationally renowned authorities, this text focuses on the use of sustainability accounting as an external accountability mechanism and as a tool aimed at helping managers assess and manage the social and ...