Books written by James Thomas Baker

  • Thomas Merton: Social Critic

    ... Bramachari maintained that Christianity and the West as a whole needed a revival of asceticism and suggested that he read some of the better Western books, such as Augustine's City of God and Thomas à Kempis's Imitation of Christ.

  • Thomas Merton: Social Critic

    Thomas Merton: Social Critic organizes and critically analyzes the social thought of the Cistercian monk who has become an internationally known symbol of the spiritual element in man.

  • Brooks Hays

    His pastor, Reverend Jennings, was himself a Klansman, and Brooks once recalled that of all the men in his church only he and his father had refused to join. One Sunday night the pastor invited the local chapter to attend services, ...

  • Andrew Carnegie: Robber Baron as American Hero

    Andrew Carnegie, a destitute immigrant who became the richest man of his time, helped create "the American mind" by personifying the rags-to-riches story that was the American ideal in the...

  • Nat Turner: Cry Freedom in America

    The second volume in the CREATORS OF THE AMERICAN MIND series, NAT TURNER: CRY FREEDOM IN AMERICA provides both primary and secondary selections that give students specific knowledge of this...