Books written by Lynn B. Jorde

  • Medical Genetics E-Book

    ... 273b Nondirectiveness, in genetic counseling, 305-307 Nondisjunction, 109,109f maternal age and, 114 Nonionizing ... 197, 198f Pearson syndrome, 93 Pectus carinatum, Marfan syndrome and, 75 Pectus excavatum, Marfan syndrome and, ...

  • Medical Genetics

    Tartaglia NR, Howell S, Sutherland A, Wilson R, Wilson L. A review of trisomy X (47,XXX). Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2010; 5:8. Yamazawa K, Ogata T, Ferguson-Smith AC. Uniparental disomy and human disease: an overview.

  • Medical Genetics E-Book

    Couch FJ, Nathanson KL, Offit K. Two decades after BRCA: setting paradigms in personalized cancer care and prevention. Science. 2014;343:1466–1470. Farashi S, Kryza T, Clements J, Batra J. Post-GWAS in prostate cancer: from genetic ...

  • Medical Genetics E-Book

    The best-known of these, Noonan syndrome, is characterized by short stature, characteristic facial features, webbing of the neck, and congenital heart disease—most commonly stenosis of the pulmonary outflow tract. Most cases of Noonan ...

  • Genética Médica

    Los autores de esta obra, que mantiene el formato y la presentación de ediciones anteriores e introduce al estudiante en los principios básicos de la biología molecular, han conseguido realizar una síntesis admirable de la historia de ...

  • Genética médica

    1 Antecedentes e historia2 Biología celular básica: estructura y función de los genes y los cromosomas3 Variación genética: su origen y detección4 Herencia autosómica dominante y recesiva5 Modos de herencia ligados al sexo y no ...

  • Medical Genetics

    The emphasis of this book is on those aspects of medical genetics most useful in a modern clinical practice. Clinical aspects of molecular genetics research have been incorporated throughout the spectrum of genetically determined diseases.

  • Medical Genetics

    Spanish version also available, ISBN: 84-8174-423-9

  • Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 8 Volume Set

    Journal of Biomedical Informatics , 35 ( 4 ) , 222-235 . Ingenerf J and Giere W ( 1998 ) Concept - oriented standardization and statistics - oriented classification : Continuing the classification versus nomenclature controversy .

  • Medical Genetics

    This accessible, practical text integrates key concepts with clinical practice, highlighted by numerous illustrations, tables, concept summaries, and more - all designed to enhance effective learning and retention of complex material.

  • Medical Genetics

    Your purchase of this book entitles you to access at no extra charge. This innovative web site offers you... Access to the complete text and illustrations of this book.

  • Genética Médica

    Genética Médica agora tem conteúdo impresso + on-line no Student Consult.

  • Medical Genetics

    In other words, this is an indispensable resource that should be on every reading list.

  • Medical Genetics

    The smart way to study! Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content...

  • Genética médica + StudentConsult

    Nueva edición de la obra que aborda los conceptos centrales y básicos de la Genética y sus aplicaciones clínicas.

  • Genética médica

    Genética médica