Books written by Vi Keeland

  • lit.Love.Stories 2020: Romantische Leseproben von Julia Engelmann, Sophie Bichon, Maria Nikolai und Susan Elizabeth Phillips und vielen weiteren Autoren des...

    K REBEKKA NOLL , 1988 in Kassel geboren, studierte in Erlangen, Bern und Berlin. Sie hat bereits mehrere Romane und ein Jugendbuch veröffentlicht und wurde mit dem Kurd-LaßwitzStipendium der Stadt Gotha ausgezeichnet.

  • Felony Ever After - Édition française

    13 auteurs stars de la romance.

  • The Rivals

    A sexy, enemies-to-lovers standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland.

  • Rebel Heart

    Rebel Heart

  • Engano irresistível

    Um novo sucesso erótico da autora best-seller do The New York Times — Vi Keeland! A primeira vez que vi Caine West foi em um bar. Ele notou que eu o estava encarando e deduziu que fosse um flerte.

  • Disputa irresistível

    O novo livro da autora best-seller do The New York Times Bennett Fox entrou na minha vida em uma manhã infernal de segunda-feira.

  • The Invitation

    When Stella Bardot discovers an invitation to a fancy wedding addressed to her ex-roommate who owes her money and did her wrong, she decides to attend that wedding.

  • Vánoční lásky

    Jakkoli dobře ty sušenky voněly, nedalo se to srovnat s tím, jak moc jsem chtěl ochutnat ji. Zavrtěl jsem hlavou. Potřeboval jsem z ní vyhnat takové představy a soustředit se. Nehodlal jsem se zamilovat do ženy, která je tak podobná ...

  • The Naked Truth

    From #1 New York Times Bestseller Vi Keeland, comes a new, sexy standalone novel.

  • A vetélytárs

    CLARE MACKINTOSH bestsellerszerző nemzetközi bestseller Richard Roper AZ ÉLET MINDIG KINÁL MÁSODIK ESÉLYT . TALÁN AZÉRT . HOGY AZT IS CM ELSZÚRJUK ?! ப ccolapaks pondok CLARI NACKINGOS beslené Wawredes ml bij ELIANOR BROWN bestselersen ...

  • The Invitation

    Or so I thought. Until I realized I’d left my cell phone behind at the table. Take one guess who found it? This is the crazy story of how Hudson Rothschild and I met. But trust me, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

  • Well Played

    From New York Times Bestselling authors Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward comes a new, sexy standalone novel. It all started with a bet.

  • Bilete înveninate

    Biroul Reed Eastwood Pentru dragostea mea adevărată și suetul meu pereche, Charlotte, Nu am nevoie de ajutorul unui poet pentru a descrie ... în cele mai nebunești visuri ale mele n-aș putut bănui câtă iubire o să e în inima mea astăzi.

  • Sex, Not Love

    He proposed we spend that time screwing each other out of our systems. Eight weeks of mind-blowing sex with no strings attached? What did I have to lose? Nothing, I thought. It’s just sex, not love.

  • One More Chance

    »Raus aus den Federn, Prinzessin!« »Ich habe aber keine Lust aufzustehen.« »Es geht dir bestimmt besser, wenn wir es gemacht haben.« Ich zog eine Augenbraue hoch, und er grinste. »Ah, ich habe dich verdorben. Wer ist jetzt hier pervers?

  • Throb

    Author's note – Throb is a full-length standalone novel. Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

  • Cocky Bastard

    When Chance joins Aubrey on her westward-bound cross-country road trip, Aubrey tries to keep her feelings in check as she knows that soon, they will be going their separate ways.

  • Worth the Fight

    It didn't matter that the ref called it a clean hit.

  • Inappropriate

    A new, sexy standalone novel from #1 New York Times Bestseller, Vi Keeland. Terminated for inappropriate behavior. I couldn’t believe the letter in my hands. Nine years.

  • Hate Notes

    A love letter sewn into a wedding gown ignites a scorching romance between a down-on-her-luck sculptor and an arrogant real estate heir.