Books written by Brenda Miles

  • King Calm: Mindful Gorilla in the City

    Marvin is a calm and mindful gorilla living peacefully in the city, enjoying every minute of his day, unlike his sassy, curt, irreverent former Empire State-climbing Grandpa.

  • 99 erotische S/M-Fantasien: Von Zart bis Hart

    In diesen 99 Storys dreht sich alles um das bizarre Phänomen Lustschmerz, den bittersüßen Genuss der erotischen Qual, die ihre Anhänger auf so einzigartige Weise befriedigen kann und unendliche Lustmöglichkeiten bietet.

  • 1-2-3 我不生气: 让情绪不再失控

    本书给孩子们介绍了一首简单的歌谣,不仅可以放松身体,而且能够克服情绪失控.书后有科林·A.派特森和布兰达·S.迈尔斯两位心理学家"写给父母和老师的话",详细列举了《1-2 ...

  • 不怕犯错再试试: 在错误中学会成长

    本书讲述了一个追求完美的小青蛙,害怕犯错误,一犯错,他就不再尝试做这件事情.在爷爷的帮助下,他认识到,错误本身不可怕,最重要的是犯错误后要改正错误,勇于尝试 ...

  • 1-2-3 a Calmer Me

    A young girl learns a technique for dealing with anger--and it works.

  • Imagine a Rainbow: A Child's Guide for Soothing Pain

    Describes how thinking of pleasant images and favorite things can help children deal with pain. Includes a section that advises parents how they can help their child manage their pain.

  • Stickley Makes a Mistake!: A Frog's Guide to Trying Again

    With help from his grandpa, Stickley the frog, who hates making mistakes, learns to say "oh well," hop up, and try again when mistakes happen.

  • How I Learn: A Kid's Guide to Learning Disability

    Describes how children with learning disabilities learn in different ways, and learning strategies that can be employed.

  • Cinderstella: A Tale of Planets Not Princes

    In this retelling of Cinderella, Stella would rather be an astronaut and go to space than meet a prince and become a princess.

  • 让情绪动起来: 用运动赶走坏心情


  • Chicken Or Egg: Who Comes First?

    Chicken and Egg compete in sports, on tests, and in other ways until they discover that winning and losing are less fun than playing together.