Books written by Pierre Restany

  • Arman 1955-1991: A Retrospective

    Arman 1955-1991: A Retrospective

  • Yves Klein: Fire at the Heart of the Void, 2nd Edition

    One of the most thorough examination of one of twentieth-century's most influential artist by the eminent French critic Pierre Restany."The aim of this book," Restany begins, "is to situate fire...

  • Yves Klein

    "I have gone beyond the problem of art ... For me painting today no longer relates to the eye; it relates to the only thing in us that does not...

  • Le monde de l'art en 1995

    The UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts is intended to record changing trends in living art in the world, by seeking out young creators whose approach embodies socio-economic...

  • Shingu: Message from Nature

    All of these endeavors are collected here — along with the artist's comments on many of the sculptures, essays by Pierre Restany and Renzo Piano, and an interview with Joseph Giovannini — in a monograph that provides a complete portrait ...