Books written by Etienne Delessert

  • Comédie de la lune

    Chaque soir dans l'immensité de la nuit, la lune se prépare à jouer sa comédie.

  • 当冬开始歌唱

    The leader of a band of rambunctious little creatures sings a comical song, song, song on a lane that is long, long, long, and so he went singing along.

  • Mrs. Flowers: A Moment of Friendship

    Through her friendship with Mrs. Flowers, a cultured and gentle Black woman, Marguerite develops self-esteem and an appreciation for great literature.

  • Spartacus the Spider

    Spartacus is a little spider with big web-building problems, but when he devises a way to spin a mighty net, what may be the cost of his triumph?

  • I Hate to Read!

    As a third-grader who hates to read unwillingly looks at a book, the characters come alive and interest him so much that he begins to care about them and turn the pages.