Books written by Tim Callan

  • Taxes, Benefits, and Labour Market Responses: New Evidence for Ireland

    Fallick 1991; Katz and Meyer 1990; Lancaster 1979; Meyer 1990; Moffitt 1985), but this effect has been shown in the UK to depend upon the duration of unemployment (Narendranathan, Nickell and Stern 1985; Narendranathan and Stewart, ...

  • Tackling Low Income and Deprivation: Developing Effective Policies

    Reconfiguring the Measurement of Deprivation and Consistent Poverty in Ireland, Policy Research Series Paper No. 58. Dublin: The Economic and Social Research Institute. McCASHIN, A., 1996. Lone Mothers in Ireland: A Local Study, ...

  • Work Incentives, Poverty and Welfare in Ireland

    Reconfiguring the Measurement of Deprivation and Consistent Poverty in Ireland, Policy Research Series Paper No. 58, Dublin: The Economic and Social Research Institute. MARTINEZ-MONGAY, C. and R. FERNANDEZ-BAYON, 2001.

  • Budget Perspectives 2006

    5 These old-age dependency ratios are based on the population 6 BUDGET PERSPECTIVES 2006. Age 2005 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 0-14 years 856,900 923,979 954,022 847,107 829,230 838,852 15-64 years 2,789,249 2,949,469 3,103,383 3,195,614 ...

  • Budget Perspectives 2009

    School Children and Sport in Ireland. Books and Monographs, No. 182, Dublin: The Economic and Social Research Institute. FITZPATRICK ASSOCIATES, 2005. Review of the Local Sports Partnerships, Dublin: Department of Arts, Sport and ...

  • Budget Perspectives 2008

    A verbal response will be made by Frank Barry based on the Institute of European Affairs publication Who's Afraid of the ECJ? – Implications of the European Court of Justice Decisions on Ireland's Corporation Tax Regime.

  • Tax and Welfare Changes, Poverty and Work Incentives in Ireland, 1987-1994

    Analyses the anti-poverty effectiveness and efficiency of social welfare in 1987 and 1994. Uses the measures developed by Beckerman which focus on the extent to which the expenditure goes to...

  • Income Support and Work Incentives: Ireland and the UK

    Comprises six papers which examine the role of tax and transfer policies in providing income support while minimizing the negative consequences for work incentives.

  • Poverty and Policy in Ireland

    Research carried out into the extent and nature of poverty in Ireland has contributed to the poverty debate across a wide range of areas. The objectives of this book are...

  • Supplementing Family Income

    Considers policy options which could help improve its effectiveness with regard to maintaining the work incentive of recipients, and reducing the risk of recipients being caught in a poverty trap.

  • Poverty, Income and Welfare in Ireland

    Poverty, Income and Welfare in Ireland

  • Budget Perspectives 2011

    Budget Perspectives 2011