Books written by Richard P. Henrick

  • Under the Ice

    Lieutenant Commander Al Layman was waiting for him at the chart table , “ Morning , Skipper . Did you sleep in this morning ? ” “ Afraid not , Al . Just spent a little longer on my morning walk through than usual .

  • Counterforce

    Payton switched on the secure radio line back to the Eagle . “ Mother Bird , this is chick Delta , do you read me ? " A brief crackle of static was followed by a crystalclear reply . “ Go ahead Delta , this is Mother Bird .

  • Crimson Tide

    Prepare yourself for the action-packed thriller starring Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington.

  • Beneath the Silent Sea

    In the wake of preliminary peace talks between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the Chinese launch a lethal submarine attack, forcing the two world powers to join forces in a war of thermonuclear proportions. Reissue.

  • Flight of the Condor

    Unbeknownst to America, the Soviet Union is launching a nuclear attack and the future of humankind is at the mercy of two battlefields---one under the sea, the USS Razorback, and one in space, known as the Condor. Reprint.

  • When Duty Calls

    Veteran author Richard P. Henrick has three million books in print -- and a steadily-selling Zebra backlist.

  • Sea of Death

    The ultimate biological weapon lies with a Ninja warrior who dreams of making Japan the world's mightiest superpower. The only thing that stands in his way is the crew of an obsolete submarine, but will that be enough to stop him?

  • Beneath the Silent Sea

    Beneath the Silent Sea