Books written by Enrique Vila-Matas

  • Exploradores del abismo

    Vila-Matas returns to short stories. Displaying his signature style, a blend of fiction and reality, Vila-Matas explains in "Caf Kubista" that he decided to write short stories when a life-or-death...

  • Vampire in Love

    In case the disguise wasn't enough to get the woman to take the bait, I carried a handbag with a long chain over one shoulder and, in my left hand, a large bag of food — without jars or tins, so that it didn't weigh too much, ...

  • The Illogic of Kassel

    This is his spontaneous, quirky response to art, rising up against pessimism.With humor, profundity, and a sharp eye, Enrique Vila-Matas tells the story of a solitary man, who, roaming the streets amid oddities and wonder, takes it upon ...

  • Never Any End to Paris

    This brilliantly ironic novel about literature and writing, in Vila-Matas’s trademark witty and erudite style, is told in the form of a lecture delivered by a novelist clearly a version of the author himself.

  • Candida Höfer: Spaces of Their Own

    This new series of photographs enables readers to reconstruct the classical paths of pilgrimage that lead to Santiago de Compostela from all directions: places in Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Ireland, England, or the south of Spain, ...

  • Dublinesque

    In this novel, Enrique Vila-Matas traces a journey connecting the worlds of Joyce and Beckett, and all they symbolize.

  • A Brief History of Portable Literature

    A reader’s fictional tour of the art and lives of some of the great 20th-century Surrealists An author (a version of Vila-Matas himself) presents a short “history” of a secret society, the Shandies, who are obsessed with the concept ...

  • Mujer en el espejo contemplando el paisaje

    Mujer en el espejo contemplando el paisaje

  • París no se acaba nunca

    Una revision ironica de los dias de aprendizaje literario del narrador en el Paris de los anos setenta. Fundiendo magistralmente autobiografia, ficcion y ensayo, nos va contando la aventura en...

  • Parigi non finisce mai

    Parigi non finisce mai

  • Montano's Malady

    A quirky, cosmopolitan novel about life and literature by the prize-winning Spanish writer Enrique Vila-Matas, author of Bartleby & Co. The narrator of Montano’s Malady is a writer named Jose who is so obsessed with literature that he ...

  • Tools for Extinction

    The hope carried in this book is that we can lean on fiction even beyond its breaking point - and our own - Republic of Consciousness Tools for Extinction grapples with the grief, trauma and anxiety of Covid-19 without presenting these ...

  • Bartleby & Co

    Tells the story of a hunchback who is a failed writer that has no luck with women.

  • Because She Never Asked (New Directions Pearls)

    The second part of the story tells what happens between the author and Calle.

  • Mac's Problem

    Or is life imitating the stories? As the novel progresses, Mac becomes more adrift from reality, and both he and we become ever more immersed in literature: a literature haunted by death, but alive with the sheer pleasure of writing.

  • Never Any End to Paris

    And heâe(tm)s still convinced he looks like Hemingway. Never Any End to Paris is a hilarious, playful novel about literature and the art of writing, and how life never quite goes to plan.