Books written by Chris Hables Gray

  • Postmodern War: The New Politics of Conflict

    Martin, Laurence. (1983). The Changing FaceofNuclear Warfare. Harper&Row. ... McGucken, William. (1984).Scientists, Society and the State: The Social Relations of ... St. Martin«s Press. McWhiney, Grady, andJamieson, Perry. (1982).

  • Postmodern War: The New Politics of Conflict

    This book shows how our high-tech age has spawned both increasingly powerful weapons and a rhetoric that disguises their apocalyptic potential in catch phrases like "smart weapons," "cyberwar," and "bloodless combat.

  • Cyborg Citizen: Politics in the Posthuman Age

    A scientist (Danny Devito) on adapting a male (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to carry a child in the movie Junior Whenever there is an advance in a cyborg technoscience such as genetics, you can count on agaggleofpubliccommentators withnice ...

  • Peace, War and Computers

    Using informatics and chaos theory, this is a disarming, yet enthralling read.

  • Modified: Living as a Cyborg

    This collection includes some of the most articulate of these voices from over 25 countries, including Donna Haraway, Stelarc, Natasha Vita-More, Steve Mann, Amber Case, Michael Chorost, Moon Ribas, Kevin Warwick, Sandy Stone, Dion Farquhar ...

  • Peace, War and Computers

    Using informatics and chaos theory, this is a disarming, yet enthralling read.

  • Modified: Living as a Cyborg

    This collection includes some of the most articulate of these voices from over 25 countries, including Donna Haraway, Stelarc, Natasha Vita-More, Steve Mann, Amber Case, Michael Chorost, Moon Ribas, Kevin Warwick, Sandy Stone, Dion Farquhar ...

  • Cyborg Citizen: Politics in the Posthuman Age

    The creator of the cult classic Cyborg Handbook, Chris Hables Gray, now offers the first guide to ""posthuman"" politics, framing the key issues that could threaten or brighten our technological future.

  • Postmodern War: The New Politics of Conflict

    ... Budget” series, San Jose Mercury News, February 13-16: all on page Al. . (1990). Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black ... Wargaming from Ancient Chinese Mapboard to Atomic Computer. Delacorte. Wilson, J. R. (1988). Simulating Helicopter ...

  • The Cyborg Handbook

    "The Cyborg (short for cybernetic organism) is an entity that mixes the mechanic and the organic, for example people who have implanted pacemakers. The Cyborg Handbook is an initial look...