Books written by Nina Kalitina

  • Claude Monet

    In this twovolume illustrated work, Natalia Brodskaya and Nina Kalitina invite us on a journey across time to discover the history of Impressionism and Monet; a movement and an artist forever bound together.

  • The ultimate book on Claude Monet

    He leaves behind the most well-known masterpieces that still fascinate art lovers all over the world. Nathalia Brodskaïa is a curator at the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg.

  • Claude Monet

    He began all his London paintings working directly from nature, but completed many of them afterwards, at Giverny. The series formed an indivisible whole, and the painter had to work on all his canvases at one time.

  • Claude Monet

    皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷诺阿煎饼磨坊的舞会,1876年布面油画,131.5cm×176.5cm 奥赛博物馆,巴黎(82页)河堤上,身边是水面上随波荡漾的船只。那些年马奈经常和印象主义画家待在一起。巴黎的咖啡馆是他与画家、批评家和作家们聚会的场所。杜比尼和柯罗的朋友, ...

  • Claude Monet

    对莫奈而言,艺术创作始终是一种痛苦的挣扎。较之同时代人,他更深沉地痴迷于表达情感,更强烈地渴望传达超越大自然的光线效果。用他自己的话来形容:“技巧来来去去..... ...

  • Claude Monet

    He began all his London paintings working directly from nature, but completed many of them afterwards, at Giverny. The series formed an indivisible whole, and the painter had to work on all his canvases at one time.

  • Claude Monet

    In this twovolume illustrated work, Natalia Brodskaya and Nina Kalitina invite us on a journey across time to discover the history of Impressionism and Monet; a movement and an artist forever bound together.

  • Claude Monet

    保罗·塞尚(1839—1906)尽管保罗·塞尚是印象主义画家的同时代人和朋友,却被看作一位后印象主义时期的艺术家。当时那些人认为他是印象主义画家,这也很合理——塞尚曾经在1874年印象主义的第一次画展展出过作品,因此甚至连批评家勒鲁瓦也给他打上了像其他人一样 ...

  • Claude Monet

    对莫奈而言,艺术创作始终是一种痛苦的挣扎。较之同时代人,他更深沉地痴迷于表达情感,更强烈地渴望传达超越大自然的光线效果。用他自己的话来形容:“技巧来来去去..... ...

  • Claude Monet

    For Monet, the act of creation was always a painful struggle.

  • Claude Monet

    In this twovolume illustrated work, Natalia Brodskaya and Nina Kalitina invite us on a journey across time to discover the history of Impressionism and Monet; a movement and an artist forever bound together.