Books written by Lynn MacKay

  • Women, Families and the British Army, 1700–1880 Vol 2

    22 Andrew Bamford, Sickness, Suffering, and the Sword: The British Regiment on Campaign, 1808–1815 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013), 226, 234–5. 23 Esdaile, Women, 215. 24 Daly, The British Soldier, 69–90; and Catriona ...

  • Women, Families and the British Army 1700–1880

    ... this Class of poor Women, which, until I became conversant with the Army, I hardly thought had existence in nature. ... His two Children had caught the Small-Pox on board the Ship: and soon after landing, his Wife was seized with a ...

  • Women, Families and the British Army 1700–1880

    This series concentrates on women and the soldiers in the ranks whose lives they shared, assembling a wide body of evidence of their romantic entanglements and domestic concerns.

  • Respectability and the London Poor, 1780–1870: The Value of Virtue

    ... From Artisans to Paupers , ch . 3 ; and I. Prothero , Artisans and Politics ( Folkestone : Dawson , 1979 ) , pp . 27-8 . 47. A. Kidd , State , Society and the Poor in Nineteenth - Century England ( Basingstoke : Macmillan , 1999 ) , pp ...

  • Women, Families and the British Army, 1700–1880 Vol 4

    ... I am a soldier's wife.” “Now God help thee!” said the young farmer, “I pity thee from my soul!—my own sister was a ... good principles if she marries a soldier. I passed a baggage waggon this morning, and the women had their gin bottles ...

  • Women and the British Army, 1815-1880

    ... Soldiers Really Enlist to Desert Their Wives ? Revisiting the Martial Character of Marital Desertion in Eighteenth - Century London ' , Journal of British Studies , 53 : 2 ( April 2014 ) , pp . 356–77 . " The Fiction of Female ...

  • Respectability and the London Poor, 1780–1870: The Value of Virtue

    ... London, p. 466. 116. St Martin's Paving Committee Minutes, 12 August 1812, WPA, F ... Locating Wife Beating in the Concept of a Privatization of Marriage and ... Privacy in Tudor London (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 173. 124 ...

  • Women, Families and the British Army, 1700–1880 Vol 3

    This series concentrates on women and the soldiers in the ranks whose lives they shared, assembling a wide body of evidence of their romantic entanglements and domestic concerns.