Books written by Pavol Štekauer

  • Complex Words: Advances in Morphology

    A state-of-the-art survey of complex words, this volume brings together a team of leading international morphologists to demonstrate the wealth and breadth of the study of word-formation.

  • Complex Words: Advances in Morphology

    Multiple exponents. In some languages, one finds that a single set of morphosyntactic features is realized in multiple places in a word's form. This phenomenon is known as multiple exponence. Matthews (1974) and Harris (2009) point out ...

  • Word-Formation in the World's Languages: A Typological Survey

    Fills a gap in cross-linguistic research by being the first systematic survey of the word-formation of the world's languages.

  • Word-Formation in the World's Languages: A Typological Survey

    Derivationally poor languages are those whose word-formation capacity is restricted to a minimum (Bardi, Cirecire) and those which make use of a limited number of word-formation processes, like Kalkatungu, Kwakw'ala, Lakhota, Tatar, ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology

    The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology is intended as a companion volume to The Oxford Handbook of Compounding (OUP 2009) Written by distinguished scholars, its 41 chapters aim to provide a comprehensive and thorough overview of the ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology

    Spanish diminutives in mother-child conversations. ... The Morphological Legacy of French: Borrowed Suffixes on Native Bases in Middle English. ... Latin Suffixal Derivatives in English and Their Indo-European Ancestry.

  • Handbook of Word-Formation

    This is the most comprehensive book to date on word formation in terms of scope of topics, schools and theoretical positions. All contributions were written by the leading scholars in their respective areas.

  • A Theory of Conversion in English

    The book provides a comprehensive theory of conversion in English based on the onomasiological method of word-formation research, and on a theory of linguistic signs. The manuscript presents extensive arguments...

  • English Word-formation: A History of Research, 1960-1995

    Kastovsky's ( 1969 ) model employs the kernel sentence , the underlying sentence and the word - formation syntagma , these being interconnected by two transformations , the topicalization transformation and the word - formation ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Compounding

    This book presents a comprehensive review of theoretical work on the linguistics and psycholinguistics of compound words and combines it with a series of surveys of compounding in a variety of languages from a wide range of language ...

  • Semantics of Complex Words

    ... new insights into the semantics of English NCN compounds. Unpublished PhD thesis. Victoria University of Wellington. Zwitserlood, Pienie. 1994. The role of semantic ... Word-Formation Strategies: Semantic Transparency vs. Formal Economy 113.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology

    ... Language and Cognitive Processes 9(3): 369–391. Libben, G. (2010). Compound words, semantic transparency and morphological transcendence. In S. Olsen (ed.), New Impulses in Word-Formation. Hamburg: Buske, 317–330. Libben, G., Derwing, B ...

  • Word-Formation across Languages

    The chapters in this volume address this issue by discussing, on contrastive principles, important questions of word-formation in a sample of 26 languages.