Books written by Guy Jacques

  • Oceans: Evolving Concepts

    Hardy, A.-C. (1939). Ecological investigations with the continuous plankton recorder: Object, plan and methods. Hull Bulletins of Marine Ecology, 1, 1–57. Harris, R.-P., Wiebe, P.-H., Lenz, J. et al. (2000). ICES Zooplankton Methodology ...

  • Climate Change

    This series, managed by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), non only presents the scientific aspects of the themes in question but also the issues as debated by society at large....

  • Les Saharas cachés: Une méharée imaginaire

    ... Au Mali, l'origine de l'exploitation du sel de Teghazza, à l'extrême nord du pays, se perd dans la nuit des temps. C ... chameau porte quatre barres de sel ». Cette mine fait la fortune de Oualata dans l'empire songhaï du Mali du XIIIe ...

  • Oceans: Evolving Concepts

    Finally, the book presents the challenges facing the ocean in terms of the exploitation of biological and mineral resources, in the context of sustainable development and the regulation of climate change.

  • El Niño: Fact and Fiction

    El Nino, caprice of the heavens, scapegoat for every calamity? The general public cannot really understand what is behind the El Nino phenomenon. The book offers a tour of the...