Books written by Edith Kuiper

  • Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics

    economics. beyond. rhetoric. and. realism1. Fabienne. Peter. One cannot not be politically and epistemically engaged.2 Introduction Feminist ... Rhetoric and realism propose different avenues for rethinking the practices of economists.

  • A Herstory of Economics

    Wrong! In this book, distinguished economist Edith Kuiper shows us that the history of economic thought is just that, a his-story, by telling the herstory of economic thought from the perspective of women economic writers and economists.

  • Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics

    Feminist economists have demonstrated that interrogating hierarchies based on gender, ethnicity, class and nation results in an economics that is biased and more faithful to empirical evidence than are mainstream accounts.This rigorous and ...

  • Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics

    Travel writing served as an important source of evidence about human similarities and differences for Scottish conjectural historians and British political economists in this period ( Dolan 2000a , 2000b : ch . 2 ; Herbert 1991 : ch .

  • Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy

    6 CARICOM refers to the Caribbean Community established in 1973 by the independent Anglophone Caribbean countries who are also members of the ... The GDI is simply the HDI discounted or adjusted downwards for gender inequality (ibid.

  • Out of the Margin: Feminist Perspectives on Economics

    Out of the Margin is the first volume to consider feminist concerns across the entire domain of economics.

  • Out of the Margin: Feminist Perspectives on Economics

    Out of the Margin is the first volume to consider feminist concerns across the entire domain of economics.