Books written by Rosie Miles

  • Doing December Differently

    Doing December Differently

  • Never Surrender

    Rosie Miles. NEVER SURRENDER ROSE M|| ES Table of Contents Dedication Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three.

  • Victorian Poetry in Context

    Introducing texts, contexts and criticism, this is a lively and up-to-date resource for anyone studying Victorian poetry.

  • Victorian Poetry in Context

    Armstrong's Victorian Scrutinies: Reviews ofPoetry 1830–1870 (1972), Joseph Bristow's The Victorian Poet: Poetics and Persona (1986) and Donald Thomas's The Post-Romantics (1990) are all relevant, with Bristow offering a particularly ...

  • Victorian Poetry in Context

    The relationship between Victorian poetry and philosophy is explored in Isobel Armstrong's Language as Living Form in Nineteenth Century Poetry (1982) and W. D. Shaw's The Lucid Veil: Poetic Truth in the Victorian Age (1986).