Books written by Servais Pinckaers

  • The Pursuit of Happiness--God's Way: Living the Beatitudes

    When we think of happiness, we have to admit that our idea is at times worldly and self-centered.

  • The Sources of Christian Ethics

    First published in 1985 as Les sources de la morale chrétienne by University Press Fribourg, this work has been recognized by scholars worldwide as one of the most important books in the field of moral theology

  • Morality: The Catholic View

    By distinguishing freedom of indifference from freedom for excellence, he has restored a wise vision of freedom. No one has shown better the role of virtues as building blocks for morality. Catechists need to read this book." Rev.

  • Passions and Virtue

    This book, the last that noted moral theologian Servais Pinckaers, OP, wrote before his death, was conceived as a follow-up to his previous work Plaidoyer pour la vertu (An Appeal for Virtue) (2007) Pinckaers' aim in Passions and Virtue was ...

  • The Pinckaers Reader: Renewing Thomistic Moral Theology

    ... la morals. Tournai: Castermcan, 1964. (RM) (Italian translation, Turin: Boral, 1968.) (Spanish translation, Estella ... faim de l'Evangile. Paris: Téqui, 1977. (FE) "La vie intérieure." Kerit 1 (1975): 5-14. "Aime et fais ce que tu veux ...

  • The Spiritualiity of Martyrdom

    Since the publication in English of his masterwork, The Sources of Christian Ethics, Servais Pinckaers has become the preferred guide for English-speaking students of Catholic moral theology.