Books written by Carlo Gebler

  • The Black Dreams: Strange Stories from Northern Ireland

    Bringing together some of the best of Northern Ireland's literary talents as well as new and exciting voices, this collection is dark, funny, and unsettling.

  • My Father’s Watch: The Story of a Child Prisoner in 70s Britain

    I slept with my brothers at the front, with Mum and Dad in the room over the spare, and Anne-Marie in the tiny one that ... went to the front door, came back, went out a second time, then came back again to check on Dad's progress.

  • Aesop's Fables: The Cruelty of the Gods

    'Herakles is the greatest god,' said one. This man was a Theban and Herakles was the patron of his city. 'Rubbish,' said the other. 'Herakles spent time as a servant, which Theseus never did, and that makes him the greater of the two.

  • My Father's Watch: The Story of a Child Prisoner in 70s Britain

    This book takes us through his entire life, from his working-class childhood in West London to his difficulties since prison, the roots of which go back to the wrongfull convictions and destruction of his family that followed.

  • The Late King of Thebes

    Ending with Antigone making a conscious choice to reclaim her brother's corpse from the battlefield, an act of defiance which will guarantee her own death, the book ultimately meditates on the illusion of free will, and the warning that ...