Books written by Jeroen van Craenenbroeck

  • The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis

    ... Patrick Honeybone and Joseph Salmons THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF LEXICOGRAPHY Edited by Philip Durkin THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF NAMES AND NAMING Edited by Carole Hough THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENTAL LINGUISTICS Edited by Jeffrey Lidz, ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis

    ... language description and typology, Linguistic Typology 11: 119–32. Haspelmath, Martin (2008). Parametric versus functional explanations of syntactic universals, in T. Biberauer (ed.), The Limits of Syntactic Variation. Amsterdam: John ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis

    ... meer vrouwen Jan has more women had uitgenodigd. had invited zal lezen]. will read zal lezen]. will read In the CD ... nooit meer krijgen. will you never again get __ 'You won't ever get more compliments than the number of compliments I ...

  • Recent Developments in Phase Theory

    ... smuggling, the freezing ban, labels, and tough-constructions. In Adriana Belletti & Christopher Collins (eds.), Smuggling in syntax ... syntax of predication. Linguistic Inquiry 24 (4):591–656. (accessed ...

  • The Syntax of Ellipsis: Evidence from Dutch Dialects

    The Syntax of Ellipsis investigates a number of elliptical constructions found in Dutch dialects within the framework of the Minimalist Program.