Books written by Ricardo Flores

  • Viroids: Properties, Detection, Diseases and their Control

    Jeanmougin, F., Thompson, J.D., Gouy, M., Higgins, D.G., and Gibson, T.J. ( 1 998). Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X. Trends Bio- chem. ... Owens, R.A., Steger, G., Hu, Y., Fels, A., Hammond, R.W., and Riesner, D. ( 1 996).

  • Dia a Dia con El Señor: Porque si es posible caminar con Dios

    Nuevo día Hoy es un nuevo día y estoy lleno de esperanza y confianza. Cuando pienso en la promesa de un nuevo día, pongo los problemas de ayer en perspectiva y sé que pueden ser solucionados. Veo lo que antes me parecía abrumador como ...

  • Closteroviridae

    “Horticultural varieties of citrus,” in The Citrus Industry Vol. ... “Virus and viruslike diseases,” in The Citrus Industry Vol. IV. Crop protection, eds W. Reuther, C. E. Calavan, and G. E. Carman (Berkeley: University ofCalifornia, ...

  • Proteomics: Human Diseases and Protein Functions

    Biomedical research has entered a new era of characterizing a disease or a protein on a global scale. In the post-genomic era, Proteomics now plays an increasingly important role in...

  • Viroids and Satellites

    The book discusses various strategies for state-of-the-art methods for the detection and control of pathogens in their infected hosts and provides pivotal information from the discovery of viroids through the analysis of their molecular and ...