Books written by James M. Glass

  • Private Detective Malo Thompson

    He had the morning shift to watch Malo Thompson's house and to give him assistance, if it was needed. The morning was chilly with an overcast sky; Bob thought of his warm bed as he arrived to replace Ralph Hoby.

  • Just Call Me Cowboy

    One hour later the General saw the young Chief stand up shielding his eyes with his hand. He heard the young man exclaim. “My big brother is coming.” All the other Chiefs chanted. “Candy man, candy man, welcome back candy man.

  • Shattered Selves: Multiple Personality in a Postmodern World

    James M. Glass exposes the limitations of postmodernist thought by examining the first-person narratives of women institutionalized with multiple personality disorder.

  • The Cruise Ship Serial Killer

    “Our investigation revealed that you and Professor Ralph Sanders were from the same town. Did you know him?” “I knew who he was, but I didn't know him personally.” `“Did you have an opinion of the man?” “I detested the man and would ...

  • The Curse of Selina

    One of the Doctors suggested she call Doctor Frank Shannon of Olivetown. Doctor Shannon maintained a private practice but spent most of his time working with mental patients at the Olivetown Mental Institution.

  • Private Terror - Public Life: Psychosis and the Politics of Community

    'Private Terror/ Public Life' looks at the narratives--harrowing, beautiful, depressing, inspiring--of people whom society considers to be psychically disabled, people whose inner worlds force them outside the community.

  • Shattered Selves: Multiple Personality in a Postmodern World

    Criteria such as these , of " health , " " solidity , " " nondefensiveness , " " identity , " and " unity " partake ... embrace fractured identities , we are inevitably drawn to the forbidden question : Fractured with respect of what ?

  • Delusion: Internal Dimensions of Political Life

    Explores the relevance of the speech and delusions of schizophrenics to political institutions and theories