Books written by Anita Bernstein

  • Marriage Proposals: Questioning a Legal Status

    This is often used to rationalize why it is not necessary for policies to be changed to recognize unmarried families alongside married ones. Television and radio hosts seem to take particular delight in trying to solve the inequities by ...

  • Marriage Proposals: Questioning a Legal Status

    The essays in Marriage Proposals envision a variety of scenarios in which adults would continue to join themselves together seeking permanent companionship and sustenance, linking sexual intimacy to a long commitment, usually caring for ...

  • The Common Law Inside the Female Body

    Take invasions to land. As we have seen, the common law enforces the rights of land possessors foremost by honoring possession as a foundation of property rights. It did not have to do so. A legal system could purport to recognize no ...

  • The Common Law Inside the Female Body

    Take invasions to land. As we have seen, the common law enforces the rights of land possessors foremost by honoring possession as a foundation of property rights. It did not have to do so. A legal system could purport to recognize no ...

  • Questions & Answers: Torts

    Questions & Answers: Torts

  • A Products Liability Anthology

    A Products Liability Anthology

  • Understanding Torts

    Concise and authoritative, Understanding Torts features: Comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of intentional torts, privileges, negligence, cause-in-fact, proximate cause, defenses, joint and several liability, damages, strict liability, ...