Books written by Jean-Pierre Serre

  • Trees

    ... Configuration Spaces 2001 Fedorov , Y.N .; Kozlov , V.V. A Memoir on Integrable Systems 2001 Flenner , H .; O'Carroll , L. Vogel , W. Joins and Intersections 1999 Gelfand , S.I .; Manin , Y.I. Methods of Homological Algebra 2nd ed .

  • Oeuvres - Collected Papers IV: 1985 - 1998

    From the reviews: "This is the fourth volume of J-P. Serre's Collected Papers covering the period 1985-1998.

  • Collected Works of John Tate

    Inventiones mathematicae, “The arithmetic of elliptic curves”, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1974, John T. Tate, Copyright c1974, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Modular Functions of One Variable IV, “Algorithm for determining the type of a singular ...

  • Local Algebra

    This is an English translation of the now classic "Algbre Locale - Multiplicits" originally published by Springer as LNM 11.

  • Linear Representations of Finite Groups

    This book consists of three parts, rather different in level and purpose.

  • Local Fields

    The goal of this book is to present local class field theory from the cohomo logical point of view, following the method inaugurated by Hochschild and developed by Artin-Tate.

  • Lie Algebras and Lie Groups: 1964 Lectures given at Harvard University

    Jean-Pierre Serre Harvard, Fall 1964 Chapter I. Lie Algebras: Definition and Examples Let Ie be a commutativering with unit element, and let A be a k-module, then A is said to be a Ie-algebra if there is given a k-bilinear map A x A~ A (i.e ...

  • Motives

    These two volumes contain the revised texts of nearly all the lectures presented at the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Motives, held in Seattle, in 1991.

  • Collected papers

    This book is the eighth in the successful line of Intelligent Agents books published in LNAI.

  • Prospects in Mathematics

    Five papers by distinguished American and European mathematicians describe some current trends in mathematics in the perspective of the recent past and in terms of expectations for the future.

  • Motives

    This volume contains the revised texts of the lectures presented at the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Motives, held in Seattle of 1991. A number of related works are...

  • Topics in Galois Theory, Second Edition

    This book is based on a course given by the author at Harvard University in the fall semester of 1988. The course focused on the inverse problem of Galois Theory:...

  • Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras

    These are well-known results, for which the reader can refer to, for example, Chapter I of Bourbaki or my Harvard notes.

  • Abelian l-Adic Representations and Elliptic Curves

    This classic book contains an introduction to systems of l-adic representations, a topic of great importance in number theory and algebraic geometry, as reflected by the spectacular recent developments on the Taniyama-Weil conjecture and ...

  • A Course in Arithmetic

    " The book is carefully written - in particular very much self-contained. As was the intention of the author, it is easily accessible to graduate or even undergraduate students, yet even the advanced mathematician will enjoy reading it.