Books written by James Leasor

  • The Red Fort

    John Murray, 1930 HARE, AUGUSTUS J. C. The Story of Two Noble Lives, Vol. II. George Allen, 1893. HODSON, GEORGE H. (Edited). Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life, or Hodson of Hodson's Horse. (Letters of Major W. S. R. Hodson.) ...

  • The Millionth Chance: The Story of the R.101

    On the night of 4 October 1930 that chance in a million came up however. James Leasor brilliantly reconstructs the conception and crash of this huge ship of the air with compassion for the forty-seven dead ¿ and only six survivors.

  • The Unknown Warrior

    'Because they will all be unknown warriors,' Churchill pointed out, 'they must perforce be considered an unknown quantity. Since the algebraic symbol for the unknown is X, let us call them X-Troop.' Possibly Mountbatten was eager to ...

  • The One That Got Away

    Here he wrote The One that Got Away. As well as non-fiction, Leasor has written novels, including Passport to Oblivion, filmed as Where the Spies Are with David Niven

  • Boarding Party

    Filmed as The Sea Wolves, this is the story of the undercover exploit of a territorial unit.

  • Singapore: The Battle that Changed the World

    Singapore: The Battle that Changed the World

  • The Marine from Mandalay

    All true stories, easy to read, fast paced with high amounts of heroism - many based on World War II. New jackets, author interviews and tour and major P.R. activity.