Books written by Nigel Tranter

  • Warden of the Queen's March

    of Dudley, yes, but entirely properly – or she would not be proposing him as husband for Her Grace here. He was a notable and personable man, and the Queen sympathised with him in his difficult position. For he was, ofcourse, ...

  • Marchman

    John, scarcely realising that hedidit, gave his sovereign lady's person a little squeeze of sympathy. “My concern isthis of Elizabeth of England. She who does not herself wed, would have memarry heradmirer and plaything, Robert Dudley.

  • The Story of Scotland

    ... 89, 181 lands 174 Margaret 61, 88-9 Sir Malcolm 68-9 Regiment 154 Drumochter Pass 162, 164 Drumossie Moor 168 Drunken Parliament 137 Dryburgh Abbey 30 Dubh, King (Duffus) 12, 15 Dudley, Earl of Leicester 108 Dumbarton 26, 46, ...

  • Rough Wooing: James V Trilogy 3

    Somerset was that the leader of the conspiracy was alleged to be Dudley, Earl of Warwick, the second most powerful man in England. So Scotland was breathing a mighty sigh ofrelief– since shipmen, no less savage than soldiers as ...

  • Marie and Mary

    ... extraordinary situation in which hisown brother,the Lord Seymour, with whom he did not get on, had more or less captured the young King Edward and was making abidfor supreme power in England, this aided by Dudley, Earl of Warwick.

  • A Rage of Regents

    Buttheword was thatshe was stilltheVirgin Queen, even though shewas renowned for entertaining some preferred ones naked, in her bath oron her bed, not in it – favourites like de Vere, Earlof Oxford, Dudley, Earl ofLeicester, ...

  • Past Master: Master of Gray trilogy 3

    Now aged twentyeight years, helooked a dealolder,a slack featured, slackbodied, knockkneed shambling man, ridiculously overdressed in enormously high hat braided with silver and sprouting orange ostrich plumes, padded and stuffed ...

  • Spanish Galleon

    The hawser that strained beside Hamish and Hester suddenlywent slack, asit was castoff. And then, slowly, quite unspectacularly, with every aspectof anticlimax savefor the large white bowwaves thatsnarled at theprow ofeach,the two boats ...

  • Margaret the Queen

    The other looked alarmed and unhappy, glanced at Maldred, and closing somewhat slack lips rather more tightly, shook his head. “Come—out with it,” his brother insisted.“Never heed Maldred. Heis our closekin.And acts mylieutenant in this ...

  • Price of a Princess: Mary Stewart 1

    Since Bishop Kennedydied, the rule of this land has been but slack, has it not? Orsomy father and uncle declare. Allowing much ofill to arise. So now there is to be ... improvement. Shouldwe not rejoice?” Her lovely features set, ...

  • The Patriot

    For once, theKing's Advocate'slack of religious commitmenthad let downhis cause. And so,inthe days following, nothing was said directlyabout Dalrymple's amendment, although there were many other questions and points raised, someof which ...

  • The Unicorn Rampant

    Without the overshadowing headgear, God's ViceRegent on Earth, as he was wont to style himself, couldbe seen tohave somewhat shapeless features butahigh forehead to suithishat,a slack mouth fromwhichapink tongue wasapt to protrude—for ...

  • James, By the Grace of God: James V Trilogy 2

    Presumably they had already been toldof Lennox's death, fortheformer,a thin, lanternjawed ageing manof fine but weak features, went straight to where the body lay, dismounted andbent down,gazingat his nephew, headashake, slack lips ...

  • Kenneth

    ... in the high kingship, might not that smooth out the situation,pacifying Brude and makinghim hesitant abouttaking hostile actionlest the nomination be revoked? The new HighKing tugged athis somewhat slack and protuberant lower lip.

  • The Courtesan: Master of Gray trilogy 2

    A wail escaped from his slack lips. 'Eh . . .IEh. . .! Christ God–Bothwell!' he gasped. 'Fran ... Francis Bothwell!' The Earlremoved his handfrom hisswordhilt tosweep offhis bonnet inadeep bow, smilingbut unspeaking.

  • The Mary Stewart Omnibus

    This is the 15th-century story of Mary Stewart, eldest sister of James the Third of Scotland. This omnibus edition, which incorporatesPrice of a Princess and Lord in Waiting, tells of the wise and strong-minded princess.

  • Right Royal Friend

    When James the Sixth, His Grace of Scotland, also becomes His Majesty of England, far-reaching changes take place in the two realms.

  • David the Prince

    Set in the 12th century, this is the incredible story of one of Scotland's greatest kings: David, the monarch who made Scotland a power for the first time, told by master of Scottish historical fiction Nigel Tranter.

  • Black Douglas

    It was almost inevitable that in the 15th century the new Scots royal house of Stewart would have to come to a reckoning with the great house of Douglas.

  • Lord and Master: Master of Gray trilogy 1

    ... overan almost illimitable prospect,over the Nor' Lochand fields beyond, acrossthe silver Forthto the green uplands of Fife, ... asshehad feared, nor indeed did herhusband, but shemade thebestof it; and the children revelled in it.