Books written by Christopher Cannon

  • Middle English Literature

    This is a boldly original history of Middle English literature from the Norman Conquest to the beginning of the 16th century.

  • The Making of Chaucer's English: A Study of Words

    ... for the “ first ” time in the Knight's Tale ( I , 1761 ) and “ subsequent ” uses of that line in the Prologue to the Legend of Good Women ( F 503 ; G 491 ) , the Merchant's Tale ( IV , 1986 ) , and the Squire's Tale ( V , 479 ) .

  • From Literacy to Literature: England, 1300-1400

    22 Rolf Berndt, “French and English in ThirteenthCentury England: An Investigation into the Linguistic Situation after the Loss of the Duchy of ... For other discussion of this text see Kibbee, For To Speke Frenche Trewely, 47–8.

  • The Grounds of English Literature

    Manage IBS and get back to enjoying food and life!If you think living with IBS means eating only blah and bland foods, this book will change your mind and your meals!

  • Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes

    The book concludes with a comprehensive collection of appendices that include treatment algorithms, risk scores and a summary of the latest management guidelines.

  • Medieval Latin and Middle English Literature: Essays in Honour of Jill Mann

    Essays in this volume seek to honour this achievement by looking at entirely new aspects of these fields (the relationship of song to affect, the political valence of classical allusion, the Latin background of Middle English devotional ...

  • Middle English Literature

    This book provides a boldly original account of Middle English literature from the Norman Conquest to the beginning of the sixteenth century.