Books written by John J. Walklet

  • Ein Blick Auf Williamsburg

    CHOWNINGS TAVERNE JO CHOWN OSIAH CHOWNINGS Taverne ist eine für die Kolonialzeit typische Schenke , die einstmals von bodenständigeren Gästen besucht wurde . In der Tradition der alten Zeit serviert Chownings noch heute seinen Gästen ...

  • A Window on Williamsburg

    CHRISTIANA CAMPBELL'S TAVERN C Capital and noted for ONVENIENT to the -Capitol and noted for good food , this popular hostelry attracted many prominent leaders of the Virginia colony . George Washington and some of his friends had a ...

  • A Window on Williamsburg

    A Window on Williamsburg offers an intimate glimpse of the city, its gardens and greens, its buildings great and small, its historic trades, and its people.

  • Fenêtre Ouverte sur Williamsburg

    A Window on Williamsburg offers an intimate glimpse of the city, its gardens and greens, its buildings great and small, its historic trades, and its people.

  • Una Finestra su Williamsburg

    Una Finestra su Williamsburg offre una occhiata della città, i suoi giardini e fiori, i suoi edifici piccoli e grandi, il suo commercio storico, e il suo popolo.