Books written by John Houghton

  • Culture And Currency: Cultural Bias In Monetary Theory And Policy

    D. Ostrander, 1982, β€œOne- and Two-dimensional Models of the Distribution of Beliefs,” in Mary Douglas, Ed., op. cit., pp. 11–13. 21. Closely following the development pioneered by Thompson, 1982a, op. cit., pp. 44–45. 22.

  • In the Eye of the Storm: The Autobiograthy of Sir John Houghton

    L io n During dinner, Sir Geoffrey asked whether I might be interested in working for the SERC as director of the Appleton Research Laboratories in Slough. The Appleton Lab, established in 1924, was a very well-respected radio research ...

  • A Forever Family: A True Story of Adoption

    This is a story of desperate wanting, of anger and frustrated love. It is written with a kind of plain clarity that is both restrained and emotionally powerful.

  • Cover to Cover Bible Study: The Beatitudes: Immersed in the Grace of Christ

    All they need do is accept His open-handed invitation. This is the good news of the kingdom of heaven in the here and now: the offer of eternal life.

  • Isaiah 40-66: Prophet of Restoration

    It looked like the end of nationhood for God's people as they faced a punishment they most surely deserved.

  • Global Warming: The Complete Briefing

    Accessible to both scientists and non-scientists, the text avoids mathematical equations and includes more technical material in boxes, while simple figures help students to understand the conclusions the science leads to without being ...

  • Global Warming: The Complete Briefing

    John Houghton explores the scientific basis of global warming and the likely impacts of climate change on human society, then addresses the question of what action might be taken by governments, industry, and by individuals to mitigate the ...

  • A Touch of Love

    Written from the orthodox Christian viewpoint that sex belongs within marriage, this books speaks plainly about mutual understanding, preparation and practice.