Books written by Sharon Dalgleish

  • Creepy Creatures

    Introduces a variety of insects, including beetles and spiders.

  • Earthquakes

    Discusses the causes and effects of earthquakes and describes some famous quakes.

  • 千古之谜

    为什么众多船只和飞机纷纷在百慕大三角地区神秘地失踪?法医们如何用科学的手段查出凶手?复活节岛上巨石是怎样拼凑起来的?阿尔卑斯山上的冰人木乃伊背后隐藏了什么故事 ...

  • 隐秘的世界

    本书内容有隐秘的世界, 水中动物, 海洋动物.隐秘的世界包括:早期的探险家, 隐秘的世界, 在海边, 潮池中的生命, 浅水, 神奇的旅程等.

  • 强大的哺乳动物


  • 创造和发明

    本书内容有:创造和发明, 科技之谜, 科技视野.创造和发明包括:在医院, 在建筑工地, 在工厂, 购物, 在游乐场, 在电影院, 飞机和机场等.

  • 植物王国

    本书内容有植物王国, 气象观测, 风雨雷电.植物王国包括:植物的构造, 制造食物, 种子发芽, 草药, 冒牌货入侵, 植物出击, 热带雨林等.

  • 爬行动物、两栖动物

    本书内容有爬行动物两栖动物, 有鳞的动物, 神奇蛇世界.爬行动物两栖动物包括:鱼类的起源, 恐龙时代, 爬行动物, 体温控制, 陆龟和海龟, 蝾螈等.

  • Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests: Years 5-6

    Suitable for NSW Selective High School Placement Test and the ACER Scholarship Tests (Secondary Level 1) which are used by schools Australia-wide.

  • Reptiles and Amphibians

    Provides information about creatures that live on the land, in the water, and some that live in both environments.

  • Brain Power

    Includes information about Morse code, braille, and hieroglyphs. Find out about codes, secret messages and spies.

  • The Edge of Extinction

    How do species of animals disappear from the face of the earth? Find out about those already gone, those in danger now, and some that have been saved from extinction.

  • Social Systems - Civics and Citizenship - History

    This book provides guided reading and writing notes for all the new titles in Mac Australia Topics Upper - Social Systems Structures; Civics Citizenship and History sets.

  • Years 3-4 Opportunity Class Tests

    Excel Opportunity Class Tests serve as a preparation guide for students taking the Opportunity Class Test at school.

  • Years 5-6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests

    Updated to include new 'Thinking Skills' and 'Mathematical Reasoning' components.

  • People and the Sea

    Go facts series 3: oceans 4 book set and teacher's guide (oceans, sea life, people and the sea, coral reefs)

  • El Mundo de la Meteorología

    El Mundo de la Meteorología

  • Los Tiburones Y Las Rayas

    Explore the shadowy world of rays and discover different types of sharks.

  • Los tiburones y las rayas

    Explore the shadowy world of rays and discover different types of sharks.

  • Seres Extraños

    Seres Extraños