Books written by Malcolm N. Shaw

  • Rosenne's Law and Practice of the International Court, 1920-2015

    Volume II: Jurisdiction and the treatment of jurisdictional matters by the court. This volume also includes the court's advisory jurisdiction, and how that work relates to complex legal issues in matters of major political import.

  • International Law

    The definitive and authoritative international law text, updated to reflect key case law, international practice and treaty developments.

  • International Law

    240 The right of all peoples to self - determination241 The establishment of the legal right This principle , which ... 1995 ; K. Knop , Diversity and Self - Determination in International Law , Cambridge , 2002 ; U. O. Umozurike , Self ...

  • International Law

    An authoritative and engaging work, combining straightforward exposition with extensive footnotes for further research.

  • International Law

    ... Rights, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 2013; L. Burgorgue-Larsen and A. U. de Torres, The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Oxford, 2011; Rehman, International Human Rights Law, chapter 9; H. J. Steiner, P. Alston and R. Goodman, International ...

  • International Law

    ... Nicholls, C. Montgomery, J. B. Knowles, A. Doobay, M. Summers, The Law of Extradition and Mutual Assistance, 3rd edn, Oxford, 2013; E. Grange and R. Niblock, Extradition ... Law Extradition.