Books written by Robin Alexander

  • A Dialogic Teaching Companion

    In S. Orwell and I. Angos (eds) The Collected Essays, Letters and Journalism of George Orwell. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Javonovich, 127–139. Osborne, J. (2010) Arguing to learn in science: The role of collaborative, critical discourse ...

  • The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys

    The Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) and the British Educational Management and ... The 1980s also witnessed the creation of a National Development Centre for School Management Training (NDC), ...

  • Dear Me

    Grab something cool to drink, find a comfortable place, and let Robin Alexander take you on a hilarious journey to happily ever after.

  • The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys

    As a result of this systematic description of the range and use of pupil groupings in authentic primary school ... Relationships are fundamental for effective group working: pupils often feel threatened and do not understand how to work ...

  • Devil in Disguise

    Two distinctly different women enter her life and she finds herself drawn to both. A choice has to be made, will she pick the right one, or unknowingly choose the devil in disguise?"--Back cover.

  • Policy and Practice in Primary Education

    (1994) Primary Matters: a Discussion on Teaching and Learning in Primary Schools, London: OFSTED. ... Richards, C. (1996) 'At a hinge of history', Times Educational Supplement, 19 April. Rutter, M., Maughan, B., Mortimore, P. and Ouston ...

  • Education in Spite of Policy

    Burne , C. (2016) The Digital Age and Its Implications for Learning and Teaching in the Primary School. CPRT Resear Survey 7. York: Cambridge Primary Review Trust. Calderhead, J. (1993) The Contribution of Research on Teachers' ...

  • The Secret of St. Claire

    Idyllic, quaint, and straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting is St. Claire, Louisiana--at least on the outside. Behind the veneer it's anything but. That's the secret of St. Claire.

  • Learning from Comparing: new directions in comparative education research: Volume 2: policy, professionals and development

    At a time when educational research is under attack on the grounds of ‘bias’ and ‘irrelevance’, and under pressure to address only those questions which are acceptable politically (as good a definition of bias as any), this is a ...

  • Learning from Comparing: new directions in comparative education research: Volume 1: contexts, classrooms and outcomes

    At a time when educational research is under attack on the grounds of ‘bias’ and ‘irrelevance’, and under pressure to address only those questions which are acceptable politically (as good a definition of bias as any), this is a ...

  • Towards Dialogic Teaching: Rethinking Classroom Talk

    Dialogic teaching harnesses the power of talk to stimulate and extend children's thinking, and to advance their learning and understanding.

  • Gift of Time

    A unique gift given to her by Reagan leads them on a journey that defies logic and the laws of time. Gift of Time is a story of love, devotion and a bond that carries two women from one lifetime to the next.

  • Undeniable

    Circumstances, though unfortunate, have given her that opportunity. She wanted closure; instead, the revelations leave her with anything but resolution. Two souls come to realize that sometimes love is simply--undeniable."--Back cover.