Books written by David Hinton

  • The Selected Poems

    David Hinton’s translation of Li Po’s poems is no less an achievement than his critically acclaimed The Selected Poems of Tu Fu, also published by New Directions.

  • China Root: Taoism, Ch’an, and Original Zen

    In China Root, however, David Hinton shows how Ch'an was in fact a Buddhist-influenced extension of Taoism, China's native system of spiritual philosophy.

  • Classical Chinese Poetry: An Anthology

    Tu Mu Du Mu 296 Wang An—shih Wang An-shi 3 51 Wang Wei Wang Wei 157 Wei Ying—wu Wei Ying-wu 222 Yang Wan-1i Yang Wan-1i 407 Yii Hsiian-chi Yu Xuan-ji 321 PINYIN WITH WADE—GILES EQUIVALENT Pinyin Wade-Giles Page BaiJu-yi Pai Chii-i (Po ...

  • The Wilds of Poetry: Adventures in Mind and Landscape

    His poems are best experienced when read aloud, as oral poetry, and take an early and particularly radical form in his Ghost Tantras (pp. 160-63), which are written largely in meaningless "beast language." Quite different in intent from ...

  • Awakened Cosmos: The Mind of Classical Chinese Poetry

    A uniquely conceived biography, Awakened Cosmos illuminates that worldview through the life and work of Tu Fu (712-770 C.E.), China's greatest classical poet.

  • Tao Te Ching

    Like all of his translations, Hinton's translation of the Tao Te Ching is mind–opening, presenting startling new dimensions in this widely–influential text.

  • Mountain Home: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China

    The wild mountain realm embodies this cosmology of natural process in its most comprehensive and awesome manifestation . Its basic regions appear almost schematically in countless paintings from the Chinese rivers - and - mountains ...

  • Mountain Home: The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China

    China's tradition of "rivers-and-mountains" poetry stretches across millennia. This is a plain-spoken poetry of immediate day-to-day experience, and yet seems most akin to China's grand landscape paintings.

  • Hunger Mountain: A Field Guide to Mind and Landscape

    Come along with David Hinton on a series of walks through the wild beauty of Hunger Mountain, near his home in Vermont—excursions informed by the worldview he’s imbibed from his many years translating the classics of Chinese poetry and ...

  • The Wilds of Poetry: Adventures in Mind and Landscape

    David Hinton takes that moment as the starting point for his account of a rewilding of consciousness in the West: a dawning awareness of our essential oneness with the world around us.

  • No-Gate Gateway: The Original Wu-Men Kuan

    For nearly eight hundred years, this text (also known by its Japanese name, Mumonkan) has been the most widely used koan collection in Zen Buddhism—and with its comic storytelling and wild poetry, it is also a remarkably compelling ...

  • Wild Mind, Wild Earth: Our Place in the Sixth Extinction

    He also shows how these insights have become well-established in the West over the last two hundred years, through the work of poets and philosophers and scientists.

  • Awakened Cosmos: The Mind of Classical Chinese Poetry

    A uniquely conceived biography, Awakened Cosmos illuminates that worldview through the life and work of Tu Fu (712-770 C.E.), China's greatest classical poet.

  • Wild Mind, Wild Earth: Our Place in the Sixth Extinction

    He also shows how these insights have become well-established in the West over the last two hundred years, through the work of poets and philosophers and scientists.

  • Desert: Poems

    Poems David Hinton. Blue, blue, blue; desert sky all day the same, opening through sight across the desert stretching away inside me. Floating low across fields there, a vulture banks up high on huge wings and vanishes downIt's a ...

  • The Way of Ch'an: Essential Texts of the Original Tradition

    ... Awakened Cosmos ( Essay ) Desert ( Poetry ) The Wilds of Poetry ( Essay ) Existence : A Story ( Essay ) Hunger Mountain ( Essay ) Fossil Sky ( Poetry ) TRANSLATION The Selected Poems of Tu Fu : Expanded and Newly Translated No - Gate ...

  • Existence: A Story

    This is the story of existence, and it begins with a painting.

  • Chuang Tzu: The Inner Chapters

    But this is an ancient text that yields a surprisingly modern effect. In bold and startling prose, David Hinton's translation captures the "zany texture and philosophical abandon" of the original.

  • Chuang Tzu: The Inner Chapters

    With bold and startling prose, David Hinton's vital translation is surprisingly modern, making this ancient text from the golden age of Chinese philosophy come alive for contemporary readers.

  • I Ching: The Book of Change: A New Translation

    ... comes bringing terror, sheer terror; and that's the time to laugh ... When thunder comes, mud and mire follow. 5 Thunder comes and ...