Books written by Elisia L. Cohen

  • Communication Yearbook 40

    Emphasizing timely disciplinary concerns and enduring theoretical questions, this volume will be valuable to scholars throughout the communication discipline and beyond.

  • Communication Yearbook 39

    Communication Yearbook 39 continues the tradition of publishing state-of-the-discipline literature reviews and essays.

  • Communication Yearbook 38

    Communication Yearbook 38 continues the tradition of publishing state-of-the-discipline literature reviews and essays.

  • Communication Yearbook 38

    ommunication theory generates practical insights about fundamental communication issues such as personal and intergroup ... The chapters composing Communication Yearbook 38 offer a glimpse of the ways the communication discipline may ...

  • Communication Yearbook 40

    Communication Yearbook 40 completes four decades of publishing state-of-the-discipline literature reviews and essays.

  • Communication Yearbook 40

    Communication Yearbook 40 completes four decades of publishing state-of-the-discipline literature reviews and essays.

  • Communication Yearbook 37

    Journal of Communication, 43(2), 68–84. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.1993. tb01263.x Samkin, G., & Schneider, A. (2008). Adding scientific rigour to ... Sociological Methods & Research 40(2), 211–239. doi:10.1177/0049124111404820 Shen, ...

  • Communication Yearbook 37

    Communication Yearbook, 22, 209– 249. O'Keefe,D.J. (2000). Guilt and social influence. Communication Yearbook, 23,67–101. O'Keefe, D.J. (2002). The persuasive effects of variationinstandpoint articulation. In F. H. van Eemeren (Ed.), ...

  • Communication Yearbook 39

    ... communication in transactive memory systems. Human Communication Research, 29 (4), 607¥615. ... 30 (pp. 197¥247). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 10.1207/s15567419cy3001_5 Malone, T. W. (1987). Modeling coordination in ...